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View Full Version : Support when doing "The Hard Yards"

5th Sep 2002, 03:59
Just curious to find out who gave you all the greatest amount of support when you were learning to fly and waiting for that elusive first job.

Was it your Parents or Guardians, Partner, Instructor or anyone else?

Or alternatively, who was it that said you would never make it and flying was a waste of money?

Any points of view welcome.

5th Sep 2002, 04:08
I left a certain flying school to go fly with another after my instructor left to go onto bigger and better things. He was there for me when I needed help and advice and was my support. It was great to have it, it made me feel important and that he wasn't just training me to get his hours to get ahead, he had an interest in me!

429 CJ
5th Sep 2002, 04:57
You did, silly. Do I need to tell everybody else? ;)

Check yer email chook. :)

radar o'reilly
5th Sep 2002, 07:32
I personally was very lucky thanks to Pprune. Just before I left for Darwin I posted looking for advice. One TRUE gentleman stood out in his replies to my questions and was helpful beyond the call of duty EVERY time. I was lucky enough to meet him in person as well.

He knows who he is and I will thank him publicly again.

There were other PPruner's I never got to meet who went out of thier way to help as well. Thanks to them all.

The point is I met these people through Pprune. Goes to show there are genuinely good people in the aviation industry willing to help newbies (like me) get a grasp of the HUGE job ahead of them.

There are a few shining stars among the many people who seem to spend thier time on Pprune knocking newbies because of thier short-comings.

I only hope I get the opportunity to help someone like I was helped. If the chance arises I will go for it.

Nearly 2 years looking for my first job :( . My day will come, I know it.

429 CJ
5th Sep 2002, 09:59
Keep at it Radar, you are absolutely correct. I've personally gotten a go with TWO DIFFERENT Ppruners (one last year, and one this year), and not to mention my immediate boss is as well, and his boss............ :eek: You can never pick where you'll find 'em :D

Will email soon and catch-up again!

5th Sep 2002, 14:31
Hi Pseudo, there were a few people who told me that flying was a waste of time and money. There was even one or two who said that I'd never make the grade. One even went so far as to suggest that it would kill me. That one sticks in my mind as the most helpful bit of advice I ever got...:rolleyes:

Anyway, the folks who helped and supported and encouraged me the most were professional pilots. One guy in particular who is a family friend. There was no PPRuNe in those days because there were no computers, let alone no internet... geez, can you imagine how dull life was in the years BC (before computers)? :D

I think that those who are in training right now or looking for their first job right now have more opportunity for support and encouragement than I could ever have hoped for. I refer, of course, to PPRuNe. Anytime you're feeling that it's all getting too much for you, just get on here and tell us. There's plenty of folks here to help you.

Hey CJ ... wot ya been doin lately mate?

Capt Vegemite
5th Sep 2002, 22:41
Yers 429CJ are you still keepin yer feet in flyin a tail dragger?http://community.airattack.co.uk/images/smilies/dance.gif http://community.airattack.co.uk/images/smilies/bounce.gif

429 CJ
7th Sep 2002, 12:28
Well the checkride for the C210 went something like this........

CP..... "So you've got some 185 time, eh? That's good. What else have you been flying"?

CJ (all stammering and nervous coz he is sitting in the hotseat again once again)...... "Floatplanes, Maules, etc etc".

CP..... "Hmmmm, you wont find too many of them around here, lt's just see how you go....." (CJ knows that someone else had tried-out for this position before and not done so well....)

CP (after around twenty minutes of being subjected to CJ's worst flying and radio work in Class D airspace)..... "Well, how's about you just pop your feet on the floor, and we wait untill we get down to late final to slip those size twelves of yours back onto the rudder pedals, eh"?

CJ....... "Okies".

CP......... "Much nicer now, whadderya reckon"?

CJ...... "Um, yep".

Result...... One job and I'm now based just to the East of Ayers Rock flying a 210 on scenics and charter from anywhere in between Borroloola in the North, and Docker River in the SW of the Territory and all points in between. And to think I knocked this job back to start with....... toldya I'm thpecial. :eek:

I'm having a ball at the same time, but my base manager reckons he's gonna get some gaffatape and stick my legs to the seatbase sometimes....... :eek:

Alas Vege not recently, the guys at work looked at me kinda funny when I went misty eyed over a Cessna taildragger the other week in Alice.... Can't understand that. :confused: :confused:

Oz, I'm getting thirsty again..... :D Bundy, so much more than a breakfast drink.

10th Sep 2002, 13:23
Hey there CJ!

Bundy, so much more than a breakfast drink.

Geez mate, now ya've done it! I'll bet that comment has given me mate Wiz an idea or two... :D

Sounds like yer onto some real thirsty work there mate. Are ya likely to get time off, for good behaviour or whatever ;) to get to Perth for Ozbash next year? We could sink a few there between us, I'm sure! :D

It ain't a taildragger, of course, but a 210 is a good machine to fly. I enjoyed my 210 time very much and wouldn't trade it for anything. :)

429 CJ
11th Sep 2002, 00:28
Nuddah wun Ozbash?!? Might have to mosey on over to "Bashes" and have a lil lookie see when it's on. Might just have to make time!

11th Sep 2002, 08:16
Sounds like a plan for a new year's resolution! :D