View Full Version : Letter of Evidence Validity?

23rd Apr 2024, 16:11
Hi all,

I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 13 and was discharged at 15 - a relatively short bout and I consider myself lucky. My goal is to get a Class 1 medical and become a commercial pilot, and this might be the only thing limiting me. I received a letter from my neurologist stating: "There is a small change of seizure over the next period of 18 months (passed that period), which reduces with time, and reverts to background population risk after this period.". This means that the risk of seizure is as low as an epilepsy-free pilot. My EEGs are normal have been for years, nothing has changed or affected me and it as if it never happened.

Will I be given the CAA Class 1 or is it over for me? If I get an OML, will the airlines still take me? Will I even get an OML?

Thank you.

24th Apr 2024, 14:37
This may sound like a stupid question, but have you considered maybe getting a class one medical or at least asking an AME?