View Full Version : Hour building for a CPL holder in Melbourne

23rd Apr 2024, 08:25
G’day guys,

Just wondering what people’s approaches are to building hours in a MEA OR SEA In the Melbourne area. I am not able to give up my current employment for obvious financial reason, and I am also not in a position to pack up and move up north searching for a mail run at this stage, but I would like to look at some kind of part time work that can gain me some experience in the industry and of course build hours so that if I am ever wanting to potentially move into it as a full time career then I would be more employable and have some background other than a bare CPL.

what have other done ? Is the JPA and skydive Ops a good thing to start with and how have other enjoyed it . Pros and cons ?

what about small charter company’s Moorabbin and YMEN are these a viable option?

I don’t think Instructing is something I would look at at this stage but I would never rule it out .

23rd Apr 2024, 13:36
Sorry to break the news mate but you've limited your options to almost nothing. From my experience, there are very few skydiving jobs, and if there are then you'd likely need to know someone from within that company to get said job. Either try get a job on a pastoral station or move up north and get a job as a groundie to keep cash flow - that way you'll be exposed to the aviation industry. The standard of pilots in Australia has dropped tremendously - now I'm not saying you'd make a bad instructor but it'd be a big favour to everyone to only do instructing if you have the passion to teach. Good luck!

23rd Apr 2024, 21:16
Jetstar and QantasLink are employing hour builders.