View Full Version : Cost of integrated courses in 2024

Genghis the Engineer
18th Apr 2024, 11:12
Hi folks, could you help me out. I'm just benchmarking something (a different course my employer is putting together) and realise my knowledge of the cost of Integrated fATPL courses isn't very current.

Can anybody tell me what the costs are around UK and Europe for fATPL "zero to hero" courses now? The more specifics the better, if you're able to offer them.


Alex Whittingham
18th Apr 2024, 12:58
Obviously you need to compare apples with apples. As you know an ATO can get the headline price down by excluding stuff. Whilst I'm sure you could pay less, a successful 'value' school in Spain is FlyBy (https://pilotcourse.flybyschool.com/course-integrated-atpl-uk/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH50HW9BOPHM1O6k7ygvQSYEg6ABa_F usaXXvMhlBpt2WQVC5bc0WSkMaAljGEALw_wcB) Aviation who quote €74 900 all inclusive of meals, accommodation, everything. A 'top-end' equivalent in the same State is FTE Jerez (https://www.ftejerez.com/integrated.php) who quote €124 000 for the same.

Genghis the Engineer
18th Apr 2024, 13:40
Thanks Alex, that's a useful start on updating my knowledge.


19th Apr 2024, 08:27
Obviously you need to compare apples with apples. As you know an ATO can get the headline price down by excluding stuff. Whilst I'm sure you could pay less, a successful 'value' school in Spain is Flyby Aviation who quote €74 900 all inclusive of meals, accommodation, everything. A 'top-end' equivalent in the same State is FTEJerez who quote €124 000 for the same.
Nice info, Alex, thanks. Does anyone know if the FlyBy curse is good at all? For 75k all inclusive, sounds too good to be true?

Alex Whittingham
19th Apr 2024, 10:37
Their boss, Alex Alvarez, will cheerfully tell you that it is the biggest ATO in Spain so it seems they must be doing something right. As a place to live Burgos is not Jerez, though. There are plenty of other integrated courses in Europe in this price range, reviews variable. The one thing I will say about FTE is that you get what you pay for - I don't think I have ever heard a single complaint about their delivery - but you do pay for it.