View Full Version : iPad charging?

8th Mar 2024, 15:21
Hi All

Just wondered if anyone could shed some light on this problem.
My IPad Pro some 3 years old will only charge at one socket , charger & cable! But only when I switch off & on the socket!
Same charger & cable, same procedure different socket no joy.

Original socket different charger , original cable , same procedure, no joy!

Very confusing, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


8th Mar 2024, 18:52
You could try switching off all of the ‘optimize charging’ options (can’t remember if it’s one or more).
Did you try another charger? Sorry, you did. But you do not appear to have changed the cable. Or did you try that as well?

8th Mar 2024, 19:19
All you need is a new iPad. Simple.

8th Mar 2024, 20:50
I believe that most Apple devices have pins only on one side of the Lightning connector socket. A failure in the cable can result in the connector only working one way up.

This can add considerable confusion.

I don't do apple myself however I have marked a few friends' cables with go/no-go sides with a permanent marker. One definite apple advantage, white cables.

I was preparing to upload the connector image and the red/green marked cable appeared before me, so I just uploaded that too.

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/621x156/apple_lightning_connector_8fa66abe95c5b4ee53faa0e0109cf81a35 df56aa.jpg

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1048x1020/apple_connector_green_20230430_204935_e673514cd962082058d64e 7c541718695ecc5047.jpg

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1818/apple_connector_red_20230430_204706_cf2415c4051ed1e4ee6f4ed0 8ea8a41c66ae1688.jpg

8th Mar 2024, 22:25
I'd check to see if all the sockets are wired correctly. The chargers may have different amounts of tolerance for power vs neutral vs ground being in the correct places.

When it is being plugged in the ground should make contact first, but if that's not happening it may not be correctly detected by the charger. Maybe the switch is controlling the neutral side instead of the power side, so it reboots the charger in a different way than plugging it in does. The other charger may be intolerant of the original socket problems.

9th Mar 2024, 09:50
Sounds like you might have more that one problem going on which are sometimes conspiring against you (Swiss Cheese anyone)

Needing to power cycle the charger isn't normal. What happens if you plug the charger in while the socket is off and then turn the socket on? I'd say you've either got a fault on that charger or some circuit protection in the charger or iPad is kicking in to disable the output.

How different are the two sockets? I'd second the advice to have them checked for loose connections - the act of inserting the charger may be causing loose wires to move either in the socket or the legs of the charger.

Do you only have access to one charging cable and one Apple device? Cable problems are pretty common and dirt in the connector can also be an issue. It would be good to eliminate these.

9th Mar 2024, 10:28
I have had an Apple device sometimes ignore its charger if I plugged it in while switched on, or when I powered it after plugging it in. Cannot remember which way round, sorry.

Re the OP, there must be something wrong somewhere - I am supposedly an electronics engineer but I missed a fauty plug powering my garage light - after I had gone to all the trouble of changing the wall socket ! :ugh:

And I wasn't aware of the 'one-sidedness' of new Apple leads ? - a backward step.

Are all the components you are using genuine Apple products ?

9th Mar 2024, 10:35
Hi All

Many thanks for the replies, Friday night was probably not the best time to post this question, for me anyway, other duties.

Netstruggler has given me some ideas which I will try later but what I have just done is try the other half of the socket that works, 2 gang, no joy.

so back to the drawing board

will report back later

thanks again


12th Mar 2024, 09:43
The images of the lightning pins made me remember that there used to be an issue with one of the pins burning out. You could tell by looking closely at them, the fourth one would be black and scorched. It was a quality issue with some lightning cables at the time. I should have an image somewhere of one of my cables that shows this.
Edit: Found it. This was not as scorched as it could get, but enough to cause connectivity issues.


25th Mar 2024, 06:18
Try a new lead, the wires can break up internaly near the end.