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View Full Version : Happy (belated) Birthday, Gaunty!

Kaptin M
4th Sep 2002, 02:42
Wishing you a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY, for last Monday - 2nd September - Gaunty!!
11 years wasn't it?? Well the total of the two added up to 11 I understand.
What was it?? 29?...38?....47?.....56? - or 65? Someone said 74. but NO-ONE gets THAT old these days, do they?

Anyway sorry to not have posted earlier (I was giving my pound of flesh), and hope it was a happy one, with a few corks screwed!! :D

Tool Time Two
4th Sep 2002, 23:58
Only corks?:cool:

5th Sep 2002, 01:01
I see this thread has been moved.

I would have thought a thread on such a momentuous event would be moved to one of the prominent headline banner advertising positions and illuminated with candles?

But where does it end up? In Aircrew Notices!!!!

No justice in this world!

compressor stall
5th Sep 2002, 01:50
Happy Birfday mate! :D

429 CJ
5th Sep 2002, 09:54
Happy birthday gaunty..... :)

Keep 'em honest.... :D

Pinky the pilot
5th Sep 2002, 10:25
Thanks for your message Gaunty ol'chap. Trust you had as good a day as I did. Toasted the both of us with a '95 Pinot Noir Chardonnay Bubbly. Many times.............:D :D :D :D :D

5th Sep 2002, 14:12
Just like to join the chorus here with my own much belated but nonetheless sincere happy birthday greeting to you gaunty! Hope it was a great day and that ya got all the pressies that you've been hinting about, all these years... :D

Ah, yes, a Kingair in every garage! ;)

5th Sep 2002, 14:26
OzEx and I shall ply you with spirituous and fermented liquors in Perth at the next Bash to celebrate the occasion ...

5th Sep 2002, 15:08
Now I'm embarrased:o

Kaptin M
.11 years wasn't it?? Well the total of the two added up to 11 I understand.
What was it?? 29?...38?....47?.....56? - or 65? Someone said 74. but NO-ONE gets THAT old these days, do they?

Correct on all counts
11 years old is what the "young things" apply when I suggest they come see my etchings.:D
29 years was when I was sure that I knew all about everything.:eek:
38 years witnessing the beginning of the end of Oz aviation as she was spoke at the hands of Indiana Jones and his idiot followers, plans exit strategy.:mad:
47 executes strategy after a nightmare of administering more coup de graces than I care to remember after digging a big part of Australias finance industry out of a very deep hole dug by the denizens and strolling aviation entrepreneurs of no fixed percentage.:rolleyes:
56 a work in progress ;)
65 too close to contemplate without a very large glass of spirituous liquor.:cool:
74 the age that my children think I really am. :(

But much thanks none the less.

TT2 yup corks only, mrs gaunty has hidden the Viagra and at $75 a pack I cant afford any more till next pay.

Torres I did take that up with my friend Woomera and after he finished laughing I managed to negotiate him up to Aircrew Notices as a more suitable forum than Wannabes. There is no justice.:)

Stally and 429 thank you and I will

Pinky fine choice of brew.

OzEx and john_t, indubitably sirs, 'twill be forward to looked.

King Air in every garage, ah seeing as how you are offering why not, I was never one to look a gift Beech in the mouth, makes one appreciate a real one.

6th Sep 2002, 12:37
King Air in every garage, ah seeing as how you are offering why not, I was never one to look a gift Beech in the mouth, makes one appreciate a real one.

There was a time when gaunty wouldn't have even considered saying anything like that. I'm amazed! :p Ya must be mellowing mate... :D

Anyway, just to show there's no hard feelings, I'll stand you a drink toward yer next "mile post" at Ozbash! :)