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9th Feb 2024, 15:03


Poland, South Korea wrangle over big-ticket weapons financing

9th Feb 2024, 15:33


Poland, South Korea wrangle over big-ticket weapons financing I remember a few decades ago a tool the US DoD and State used for weapons procurement by Turkey, our NATO ally.
Loan guarantees. Helped the Turks (who in the 90's had some problems with inflation/currency devaluation) get their funding lines sorted out.
Maybe Uncle Sugar can help out a NATO ally there - if nothing else, to get the interest rates to drop do something like 'cosign the loan' or something like that.

9th Feb 2024, 22:38
I remember a few decades ago a tool the US DoD and State used for weapons procurement by Turkey, our NATO ally.
Loan guarantees.

Probably have for the patriots and abrams, I hear they were also offered for himars but due to delivery bottlenecks they tried to go SK

10th Feb 2024, 01:01
The other potential problem in buying weaponry from South Korea is their policy on support if you start to use the weapons in a conflict.
I think their policy is not to supply to any country involved in a conflict.

"South Korea’s Foreign Trade Act bans the export of arms except for a peaceful purpose, and bans the re-export to third-party countries without Seoul’s permission."