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View Full Version : Which flying school

30th Jan 2024, 08:28
I read about the perpetual “am I too old” constantly. I’m 50 and don’t think I am. After a long marriage and now divorced with grown children, it’s time for Career 2.0. I’m never getting into the seat of an A380, but at least hope to get to a regional (I’ve got 15 years left until 65 so not a complete write off).

in 2002 I did start flying and at about 40 hours had to stop (ex-wife’s decision). Now I’m free and can literally go anywhere. I expect that I will do a CPL and do the ATPL subjects and then get a job somewhere, probably in general aviation in regional Australia or anywhere for that matter to build hours and experience.

The question is are there any flying schools which may give me a decent chance of employment. I will move do get employed wherever it needs to be. I’ve spoken to one or two and whilst there are many who will say I’m too old, I won’t accept that I am. If so have to get type rated at my own cost then I will (if it gets to that).

I’m undecided between doing flight school in Australia or going somewhere else to do it.

31st Jan 2024, 06:20
Obtain your class one medical before spending anything on the flying
Turbo prop region via the Modular route is entirely plausible