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15th Jan 2024, 11:01
Are there any Apps out there than can assist with getting mental arithmetic up to speed for aptitude tests? They don’t seem to teach it in school as they did back in the 1950/60s

15th Jan 2024, 15:56
I am sure there must be such Apps around now. I hate that we have to do them - pilots don't need to do quick mental maths, so the time-limited tests are a proxy for age; which they are not allowed to ask us.

Nintendo DS had games such as 'Brain Training' which have a mental maths element. It brings up a random number, then an operator and you apply that to the previous answer and scribble the new answer onto the other touch screen as fast as you can. The game recognises your writing and it speeds up as you do.

The other elements of Brain Training (and another game called Eye Training), are useful for increasing your processing speed.

And I've written programmes in my Psion to give myself pilot maths problems, e.g. how many nautical miles to climb or descend x thousand feet. Or what rate of V/S required for a given altitude change and distance.

A bit old-school, but they worked for me.

If you cannot find any Apps, you might find a Nintendo DS and Brain Training etc. at your local electronic secondhand exchange shop, e.g. CeX.

Good luck :ok:

Jump Complete
15th Jan 2024, 22:48
I’ve just signed up to ‘Brilliant’ (if you find a techy /sciencey youtuber (eg Dr Becky) they’ll often offer a discount code.) It’s an app that helps you learn STEM subjects in a quick burst fun way. So if you have five minutes that you’d normally waste looking at social media (or the hamster wheel arguments on proone) you can spend it developing some maths (or coding for example) skills.

15th Jan 2024, 23:12
For math, look to Kahn Academy. Free; sign-up optional only for them to track your progress for you.

16th Jan 2024, 07:43
Easy way to improve,go down the pub and mark at darts!You will be suprisedhoq quick youll pick it up.And for the more adventurous,try a ladies match!!
It helped me.