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12th Jan 2024, 09:20
Sorry - but Prince Harry as "a living legend of aviation"??? Another example of airheads united? Whatever is happening to the world...?

Could be considered essentially a good lad - did his bit - off the rails subsequently - but really...a living legend?


12th Jan 2024, 09:23
Retired British Army Colonel Richard Kemp said the awards were about “celebrities massaging each other’s egos.”

​​​​​​​That sums it up, really.

Video Mixdown
12th Jan 2024, 10:34
Sorry - but Prince Harry as "a living legend of aviation"??? Another example of airheads united? Whatever is happening to the world...?
Could be considered essentially a good lad - did his bit - off the rails subsequently - but really...a living legend?
I think there are several members of this very forum who would be far more worthy recipients.

12th Jan 2024, 10:58
More like a living "Bell-end".

12th Jan 2024, 11:08
Give the man due respect for his time on operations.

But it might be more acceptable if pronounced “leg end”.

12th Jan 2024, 12:00
Probably not a legend but give the man some slack; whilst may be he's had some errors of judgement he's had to put up with being thrust into the limelight through an 'unchooseable' birth line; he had to walk behind his dead mother in front of the entire planet's gaze, and see the vitriol that ensued upon her and his choices. He pushed the Invictus games and served on ops twice and was respected by his peers. I wouldn't wish that on anyone and one never knows what's going on in his 'human' brain. Yes he's made choices the majority of us probably wouldn't make but calling him a bell-end or such is a bit ungenerous.

12th Jan 2024, 12:15
Bear in mind that a "legend" is an apocryphal story about things long in the past that almost certainly isn't true...or at the very best is vastly over-inflated.

12th Jan 2024, 12:57
One would think the poor guy was a red headed bastard step child at a family reunion the way some folks go on.

I . think the legitimate target should be the donor and not the recipient.

What say ya'll train your guns on the real target.

12th Jan 2024, 15:14
I agree that the target should be (mostly) the award-ers, but surely they checked with him first that he would accept? In which case, he is continuing to show a lack of situational awareness.

Red Line Entry
12th Jan 2024, 17:10
The funniest part of the whole thing is Lord West running to the papers to say they’re just chasing publicity! :D

Finningley Boy
12th Jan 2024, 18:20
I was never entirely certin whether HRH Harry was a trained pilot or a Weapons Officer/Observer, I'm not sure of the precise term the Army use for their "Back Seaters", however, if there is one thing for certain, Prince Harry has had a complete change of admirers since he married the delectable Meghan.

His cheer leaders today are the kind of people who before hand might have sneered at the Royal Familiy indeed leaned toward Republicanism.

Pre-2018, when everyone thought the world was moving on into broad sunlit uplands with Harry and Meg's tying of the knot, and before personal staff assigned to Meghan started leaving their posts for personal reasons, Harry's chief cheer leaders were typical Royalists. His sneering and mocking enemies could be found in the left wing end of the media and political circles, which now defend him with bulging eyed intemperance.

I recall a one time Labour MP, Emma Dent-Coad, mocking the good Prince in the most contemptuous fashion, he "can't actually fly a helicopter" - "he just sits there going 'vroom vroom'. Was a more typical regard from those who are now in his fan club. All before, of course, he and Meghan got married, then shoved it up the Royal Family and got down with the glitarati and various leftleaning causes.


13th Jan 2024, 15:53
I was never entirely certin whether HRH Harry was a trained pilot or a Weapons Officer/Observer, I'm not sure of the precise term the Army use for their "Back Seaters", however, if there is one thing for certain, Prince Harry has had a complete change of admirers since he married the delectable Meghan.

His cheer leaders today are the kind of people who before hand might have sneered at the Royal Familiy indeed leaned toward Republicanism.

Pre-2018, when everyone thought the world was moving on into broad sunlit uplands with Harry and Meg's tying of the knot, and before personal staff assigned to Meghan started leaving their posts for personal reasons, Harry's chief cheer leaders were typical Royalists. His sneering and mocking enemies could be found in the left wing end of the media and political circles, which now defend him with bulging eyed intemperance.

I recall a one time Labour MP, Emma Dent-Coad, mocking the good Prince in the most contemptuous fashion, he "can't actually fly a helicopter" - "he just sits there going 'vroom vroom'. Was a more typical regard from those who are now in his fan club. All before, of course, he and Meghan got married, then shoved it up the Royal Family and got down with the glitarati and various leftleaning causes.


both pilots in an AH64; rear is driver, front does the fun stuff. Both trained for both roles.

13th Jan 2024, 16:15
both pilots in an AH64; rear is driver, front does the fun stuff. Both trained for both roles.

Which is captain please?

13th Jan 2024, 18:00
There is talk on the Telegraph thread on this subject that the award is given by a charity, and that you can be "nominated" if you make a sufficient donation - not unusual in America apparently.

Hopefully someone on here can confirm/deny that shortly.

13th Jan 2024, 18:13
Harry did some good stuff - if you have not been at the end of some pointy stuff in a hostile environment, then think before you comment.

It matters not whether he was in the front cockpit or the rear cockpit - the AH-64 needed both.

It also needed some folk to arm the helo, service it, and send it on its merry way.

So lots of people to achieve the task,

Everyone linked to the task was both involved and a part of its accomplishment.

Harry was just one of those links - but for a Royal who could have stayed at home and away, and kept his distance and just shown up in fancy uniform - he didn't.

What has happened since is not for me to judge, and it should not detract from what he did when he did it.

I am not saying he is a "legend" - but some who think they are "legends" are more so in their own mind.

Give him some slack.

Just my opinion.

13th Jan 2024, 18:35
Give him some slack


the award is an insult to those on here who did many more operations, and/or achieved much in advancing the good cause of aviation over a far longer period.

13th Jan 2024, 18:40
This is an interesting subject.
I do believe that as a wild ass colonial and thus simply an "honorary British subject" I should leave any attempt at meaningful comment to my many friends in the United Kingdom.
I will say however that the tag of "Living Legend" is not one to be bandied about loosely in the world of aviation where there exist so many worthy of the title not having officially received it.
I'm not at all sure what the right answer should be for Harry. There are good and not so good things that can be said about his life, and anyone's life actually.
I think were I Harry in this instance I would consider the company I share in my aviation world and politely and respectfully decline the honor while thanking those responsible for their consideration.
Dudley Henriques

Finningley Boy
13th Jan 2024, 19:02
both pilots in an AH64; rear is driver, front does the fun stuff. Both trained for both roles.

I thought so but wasn't sure, yet a bit of research would have confirmed it.


13th Jan 2024, 19:02
An acquaintance of mine flew Hueys in vietnam. He has seven DFCs. After he got out he became an electrician for the Post Office for the next 30 years.
Against his wishes, he was named to the Michigan aviation hall of fame a couple of years ago.
That’s a legend…

13th Jan 2024, 19:59
Which is captain please?
The guy who needs a wheelbarrow for his wedding tackle….

13th Jan 2024, 20:02
I think were I Harry in this instance I would consider the company I share in my aviation world and politely and respectfully decline the honor while thanking those responsible for their consideration.
Dudley Henriques

You have hit the nail on the head.

Tartiflette Fan
13th Jan 2024, 23:44
There is talk on the Telegraph thread on this subject that the award is given by a charity, and that you can be "nominated" if you make a sufficient donation - not unusual in America apparently.

Hopefully someone on here can confirm/deny that shortly.


This is a tiny charity and it seems clear to me that this nomination has been done solely to generate publicity for its annual fund-raiser.

" In 2008 the Kiddie Hawk Air Academy assumed the production of the “Living Legends of Aviation” Awards Gala. The Air Academy produces this gala as their annual fundraiser every year in January at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel."

I wonder if- after all the furore - H will accept or not ? I can't imagine his PR people are very happpy about this: it might give South Park enough for another little poke at him as a "Living Legend " !

Clare Prop
14th Jan 2024, 00:08
The "remove before flight" tag on as he opens the door at 1.31...is that normal procedure to put that on before the door opens and rotor still turning? I noticed on another clip of him taxiing out to a supposed mission in Afghanistan that there was also one fluttering.

Prince Harry filmed piloting Apache in training at 'Top Gun' school (youtube.com)

Schoolboy error from the continuity department when they staged it or standard ops?

14th Jan 2024, 01:05
I recall a one time Labour MP, Emma Dent-Coad, mocking the good Prince in the most contemptuous fashion, he "can't actually fly a helicopter" - "he just sits there going 'vroom vroom'. Was a more typical regard from those who are now in his fan club. All before, of course, he and Meghan got married, then shoved it up the Royal Family and got down with the glitarati and various leftleaning causes.


Was Ms Dent-Toad in uniform at any time getting dust on her boots?

14th Jan 2024, 10:34
Was Ms Dent-Toad in uniform at any time getting dust on her boots?

How many MPs have served, and which party?
A glance at Hansards of the past is revealing, dozens of old warriors sounding off

14th Jan 2024, 13:36
How many MPs have served, and which party?
A glance at Hansards of the past is revealing, dozens of old warriors sounding off

Around 45, nearly all Tories.


14th Jan 2024, 16:38
Around 45, nearly all Tories.


Thank you, I am pleasantly surprised.

14th Jan 2024, 17:11
Thank you, I am pleasantly surprised.

Yeah cus they've done such a great job looking after HMAF.:rolleyes:

14th Jan 2024, 17:16
Yeah cus they've done such a great job looking after HMAF.:rolleyes:

Not understood. Again please?

14th Jan 2024, 18:27
Not understood. Again please?

The tory MPs who have served have not done a good job of looking after UKAF.

Finningley Boy
14th Jan 2024, 18:55
Was Ms Dent-Toad in uniform at any time getting dust on her boots?
No, I rather imagine she was doing her job as an anti-royalist, and I'm sorry to those whose politics are to the left of centre, and perhaps, a little further, as a Leftwinger. She may have a slightly different regard for Prince Harry now though?!??!?

14th Jan 2024, 22:23
The tory MPs who have served have not done a good job of looking after UKAF.
That would be the Royal Air Force, thank you.

15th Jan 2024, 00:00
That would be the Royal Air Force, thank you.

I suspect it meant UK Armed Forces, LB.


15th Jan 2024, 10:57
I suspect it meant UK Armed Forces, LB.

thank you ...... I failed to recognise ....... purple it is.

Sloppy Link
15th Jan 2024, 13:52
Which is captain please?
Whoever is qualified, appropriate and authorised for the task regardless of the seat being occupied.

15th Jan 2024, 15:11
Did it not used to be the case in Army aviation that the person in charge was not necessarily doing the driving?
Somewhat analogous to the command structure in an AFV.

15th Jan 2024, 16:04
That is an eye-opener, thank you. All men* are equal but some are more equal than others!

*other genders are available.

15th Jan 2024, 16:51
Now that in print and on-line the £ is often replaced by'GBP',I wouldn't be surprised if at some point,the RAF becomes 'UKAF',just as I have seen references to 'the British Royal Navy' !

15th Jan 2024, 18:13
Now that in print and on-line the £ is often replaced by'GBP',I wouldn't be surprised if at some point,the RAF becomes 'UKAF',just as I have seen references to 'the British Royal Navy' ! Which spelled backwards if FAKU, and if you say it out loud ... :E

Mike Flynn
21st Jan 2024, 08:02
I see Lauren Sanchez,fiancee of Jeff Bezos also got an award for being a successful helicopter pilot.I presume the unsuccessful are those who crash. On that basis I am also entitled to a few awards.

Money of course talks and the really deserving pilots who fly in difficult circumstances in all weathers for a living never get rewarded.

Tartiflette Fan
21st Jan 2024, 09:01
"“This is nice,” he said, smoothing down the ribbon of his medal. “Thanks very much, Captain John.
“I was one year old when you danced with my mum. As you’ve told everybody here and continue to dine out on that probably every single night.”"

Rather condescending, and underestimating JT's appeal in his own right there as I don't think references to his long-dead mother would continue to draw swoons and dramatic intakes of breath

A rather ungracious comment ( for me anyway ) by Harry to John Travolta. Either he is as dopey as people say, or he has lousy script-writers.


21st Jan 2024, 10:17
I have, of course, returned my award.

Tartiflette Fan
22nd Jan 2024, 08:45
I have, of course, returned my award.

Truly, you are a Prince among men.

Yellow Sun
22nd Jan 2024, 09:36
I have, of course, returned my award.

The Cinderalla Boys never got any anyway.


22nd Jan 2024, 11:32
The funniest part of the whole thing is Lord West running to the papers to say they’re just chasing publicity! :D

The Mail (other media) will have gone to him, he's their go to for all things Navy, just as Col Richard Kemp is the rent-a-quote for all things Army. Both of them are old enough to know better really.

There's rumour that Travolta proposed him for the award, which could be anywhere on the reality scale/

22nd Jan 2024, 12:11
I see Lauren Sanchez,fiancee of Jeff Bezos also got an award for being a successful helicopter pilot.I presume the unsuccessful are those who crash. On that basis I am also entitled to a few awards. Likewise, but I did not get an invite to that party.

22nd Jan 2024, 13:41
I presume the unsuccessful are those who crash. On that basis I am also entitled to a few awards.. Lets me out then........

22nd Jan 2024, 19:22
"“This is nice,” he said, smoothing down the ribbon of his medal. “Thanks very much, Captain John.
“I was one year old when you danced with my mum. As you’ve told everybody here and continue to dine out on that probably every single night.”"

Rather condescending, and underestimating JT's appeal in his own right there as I don't think references to his long-dead mother would continue to draw swoons and dramatic intakes of breath

A rather ungracious comment ( for me anyway ) by Harry to John Travolta. Either he is as dopey as people say, or he has lousy script-writers.


Both, I believe, and his PR people not giving good advice because while he is accepting Mickey Mouse badges, his family here in UK are having a rough time with health problems.

23rd Jan 2024, 15:52
Reminds me of the oscars and other events.
”Let’s get together, spend tons of money, play dress up and give ourselves awards!”

24th Jan 2024, 13:56
Reminds me of the oscars and other events.
”Let’s get together, spend tons of money, play dress up and give ourselves awards!” But surely the Oscars are awards FOR playing dress-up......