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View Full Version : UK vs EASA training/conversions

5th Jan 2024, 19:14
Hi guys,

Looking for some knowledge and/or advice. Any help is greatly appreciated.

​​​​​​My partner (English) and I (Irish but have lived in Scotland for years) have just returned from travelling and are looking for new jobs. He wants to return to the UK but I'm not sure if that's where I want to settle down.

I've also in recent years set my sights on flying. I've applied to some of the airline schemes but now want to start modular. I'm not even sure how far I'll take it, I might be happy in an alternative career but I at least want to get my PPL.

I'm currently in Dublin however, applying to jobs both in Europe and the UK and waiting to see what happens. My questions are:

1. If I did some lessons in Ireland (while unemployment has gifted me time on my hands), would that be a waste of time/money if I then moved back to the UK because I'd have to start all over, or would it still count toward my 45 hours? I'm not sure what are the actual differences in the licenses and what the deal is here
2. If I got a UK or EASA PPL, how would I go about converting/getting the other if I moved? Costly?
3. Same questions in terms of CPL/ATPL?

I'm worried about going to the UK, working toward my flying goals and then wanting to move back to Europe and having a useless license (or worse, not be able to apply for pilot jobs further down the line). Equally though I'm not sure yet if I'm ready to make the decision to stay in Europe for the rest of my life (if that decision needs to be made for flying) as I have a lot of friends in the UK (as well as my partner!)

Sorry if these are silly questions but I just feel kind of stuck because I feel like I need to make a long-term settling down decision that I'm not quite at the right point to make. Thanks