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View Full Version : Army’s Blast Safety Limit May Miss Risks From Powerful Weapons

21st Dec 2023, 16:30
Interesting reading with some connections(??) to current world events...

Researchers say troops’ brains may be injured by blasts from firing M1 Abrams tank guns and other weapons, even if they measure below the Pentagon’s ceiling for safe exposure.


If you can't access NYT... this website might help...


22nd Dec 2023, 01:30
I suspect each blast does a certain amount of damage, much like concussions from football, hockey and boxing.

Eventually the cumulative damage manifests itself in impaired function and emotional control.

Pinky the pilot
22nd Dec 2023, 03:31
Once met a bloke who had in his prior career, been an Army Officer in charge of a battery of 105's. He had seen extensive service..

And was almost deaf!:eek:

22nd Dec 2023, 12:14
Been going on for years,,

The Nr Fairy
22nd Dec 2023, 18:13
Once met a bloke who had in his prior career, been an Army Officer in charge of a battery of 105's. He had seen extensive service..

And was almost deaf!:eek:


Martin the Martian
23rd Dec 2023, 13:11
In my current employment in a high street audiologist, we get a heck of a lot of former service personnel referred to us with hearing impairment. On questioning, the usual culprits are artillery or aircraft noise, though right-side loss in former infantrymen is not uncommon either.

On a side note, how unusual to see the words 'troops' and 'brains' in the same sentence.:E