View Full Version : Sleep study

19th Oct 2023, 11:20
Was wondering if anyone else has experience with not being able to sleep during sleep study.

Ollie Onion
8th Nov 2023, 23:09
Yes, I had to do a sleep study and with all the guff on I found it impossible to actually sleep, I ended up napping by lying in a very unnatural back position. To my surprise they said I had slept for two hours over the night and they had enough data. Light to mild apnea when on my back was the result which was deemed no risk, weird thing was that I don’t sleep on my back and only was in that position due to the equipment. Repeated a couple of years later and slept well as I wasn’t stressing about it, results showed no significant apnea and good to go. You will be surprised how little ‘sleep’ they need.