View Full Version : Alls well that ends well

5th Oct 2023, 15:00

We know what probably happened, that isn't really news. Glad nobody was hurt. Just read to the end when the subject of warranty is raised for your daily smile.

Robbo Jock
5th Oct 2023, 16:23
Unfortunately not available in UK.

5th Oct 2023, 16:31

5th Oct 2023, 16:33
At the end of the article, it said "Some guy walked up and asked if it was still under warranty and they said it was from Vietnam and not exactly new,".

5th Oct 2023, 17:05
One day on a power project long, long ago. In a swamp far, far away.
Pilot lands 204 sans sliding door.
( doors often do a “falling leaf” when they depart and land with little or no damage.)
Pilot knows +- where he lost it.
So we jump in and go look.
He is flying over a large area.
Engineer: “ I thought you know where it landed!?”
Pilot: “Well, it could have drifted with the wind.”
Engineer: “Drifted with the wind? How high were you?”
Pilot: “About 9000’ AGL.”
Engineer: “9000! 9000 feet? Fer Gawds sake the F******G thing probably burned up on Re-Entry!”
We never found the door.

I saw a Bristow 212 G- BALZ in Bagdad ( Photo credit Jamie Jamieson ) when we were looking for the “Weapons of Mass Distraction” just before the last Gulf War that had 2 brackets fitted where the rubber bumpers were that would hold an open door in place if it “Jumped the tracks” Brilliant idea.

Sorry I didn’t take a photo and didn't do well on the drawing course.


5th Oct 2023, 17:26
I thought “doors off” were only for filming or crazy tourist flights?

9th Oct 2023, 09:29
It isn't clear from the news item whether it was a cockpit door or a sliding cabin door that fell off. Footage of it landing shows left cockpit door off and sliding door either open or perhaps missing.

Evil Twin
9th Oct 2023, 10:32
​​​​​​​Engineer: “9000! 9000 feet? Fer Gawds sake the F******G thing probably burned up on Re-Entry!”

Comedy gold, right there! That's bloody awesome

9th Oct 2023, 14:19
It isn't clear from the news item whether it was a cockpit door or a sliding cabin door that fell off. Footage of it landing shows left cockpit door off and sliding door either open or perhaps missing.
Well the rest of the footage shows it flying with both cockpit doors removed, and the cabin doors slid open, so my guess is we are talking about a cabin door.