View Full Version : ATPL (H) School Experience

7th Sep 2023, 08:03
Hi everyone,

Can someone give me a suggestion of an EASA ATPL(H) school that can be completed fully online.
In my research I found that "Bristol Groundschool", and the Belgian based "Helicopter Groundschool" (that is the actual name of the school) are offering those courses
Does anyone have any experience with these 2 schools and to compare them, or any other suggestions? I need it the course to be able to be completed fully online, and later on to be able to take the exams at EASA country.

Thanks in advance,

7th Sep 2023, 08:30
BGS online for me… but make sure the country where you plan on taking the writtens will accept BGS… I had to go to NL to do my writtens as Denmark would not accept giving you the exams UNLESS you had take the theory in a Danish school.

remember, the EQB is super secret and apart from knowing the theory, you wont pass anymore by memorising answers because NONE of the online sources or apps have the actual questions.. Also the questions are written in bad english, put thru google translate 4 times so some answers have both a correct answer and a more-correct answer.

If you download the FCL you will find the Learning Objectives which almost get quoted in the answers so thats the source material despite what all the app try to tell you.

8th Sep 2023, 14:19
Hi, I know the guys from Belgium. Small school, but highly recommended. I know they to a lot of governmental training and conversions for different European customers. They are also part of the Leading Helicopter Academies (LHA), reflecting a bit their high quality standards. They focus a lot on individual coaching, since they are not doing the big classroom thing with 20+ fixed wing students.
Give them a call and they will be happy to help you out ! -Vic