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View Full Version : Old self harm scars

4th Sep 2023, 02:02

Its time for the dreaded medical and the one thing im worried about the most, ive got self-harm scars from when i was 16/17. Im 22 now, its been a while yeah, but im unsure whether i should follow the unwritten rule of telling your AME less or let loose. My fear is letting them know will result in extra hurdles and issues for something that hasn't been relevant in years. Will i be made to strip at which point theyd see? Do i get them covered? Do i steal some of my sisters makeup? Its put me off of getting my medical out of the way as im so lost with what to do about this.

4th Sep 2023, 07:34
I'm not sure which country you're in, but definitely do not lie or try to hide anything with respect to your medical. You will need to declare everything past and present. Your AME will decide what's relevant. You will probably be referred for a psychiatrist visit who will chat with you and make sure you are well now. It's nothing to worry about and they'll be perfectly pleasant and understanding.

Assuming you are all well now, you'll be on your way and nothing to worry about.

Remember, you are about to spend an awful lot of money on pilot training. If you lie and get found out, your authority will take a very dim view on it potentially putting your significant investment at risk.

4th Sep 2023, 08:59
Speaking for UK.

You will be asked to fill in a questionnaire that includes any previous mental health issues. If you omit a history of self harm and are then found to have lied during the process you will be in a very sticky situation and the process of retrieving that position and achieving a class 1 medical will be challenging and arduous and may well not be successful.

If you are open and honest then you will have to jump through some hoops but you will have started off on the best footing by demonstrating your honesty and integrity and willingness to cooperate with the system.

You will be required to strip to your underwear for a class 1 medical. Any AME will notice any attempt to cover up scars. You're highly unlikely to get away with it and you should not try.

Be yourself. Be Honest. If you're well now then go in there and demonstrate that!

The best thing you can do to demonstrate that you've recovered from this episode is acknowledge it and not make a big deal of it.

Best of luck!!!