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View Full Version : Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfungs with EU License ( Non German)

23rd Aug 2023, 06:52
Dear all,

I am writing to you because I am living in Germany currently and I have a Spanish PPL(A) and SPL license.

So my question is:

Do I need a background check to fly aircarft with D- xxxx registration?
Do I need a background check for taking classes in a ATO as I want to make the NVFR and IR(A)?

As all my licenses are from Spain and the documentation will be processed by the Spanish authority.

I am not able to find many information about this topic and all the documentation is in german, there is nothing at all written in English.
Any help will be welcome!

Currently I am living in Hamburg.


31st Aug 2023, 22:01
I don't think you need a "Zuverlässikeitsüberprüfung" when flying German registered aircraft with your Spanish licence. At least I can't find any such provision. For what it's worth, there are a number of German pilots who changed their German licences to Austrian ones just to avoid this German travesty in the first place.

Even when you start training in a German flight school, there should be no requierement for you to get a "ZÜP". According to sec. 16 para. 2 of the German Ordinance on Aviation Personnel (Verordnung über Luftfahrtpersonal - LuftPersV), only those students applying for a licence for the first time need to submit a copy of their "ZÜP" to the flight school.

With the help of Google Translate, you can check the applicable regulations yourself. German federal law is published on www.gesetze-im-internet.de. The requirement for the "ZÜP" follows from sec. 7 para. 4 of the Aviation Security Act (Luftsicherheitsgesetz - LuftSiG).



1st Sep 2023, 15:37
I have an Austrian Licence and attempted to get a ZUP - the Gov't guys responsible for my region (bavaria) told me over the phone they do not issue ZUP's for non-german licences and that i wouldn't need one to rent an aircraft. Now there are different kind of ZUP's -> You would need one for working at an airport or for an air carrier, but the one specifically for "Luftfahrer" (Pilots) is only issued to LBA licence holders - It other words, a ZUP for "Luftfahrer" is attached to the licence, not the person.