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View Full Version : Arnhemland Adventures

Lake Evil
31st Aug 2002, 14:16
Too all those who have been out out at ELC, MNG, OEN, JAB, LEV, GVE, RNG, GBI,have you got some stories on the stuff you put up with, the type of flying and the amount of amber liquid you were forced to consume to stay sane. ( Narli, Bacci, KAVA, "you trust me wa wa, I trust you)

1st Sep 2002, 01:03
Lake Evil

I was based at Gove for about 2 months late 2000. Gove, in comparison to some of the other bases in the area is very comfortable, clean accommodation and some great drinking holes!:D :D It is however, very expensive.

The flying was mostly short sector (longest about 1 hour) except for the occassional Darwin trip (very occassional).:( The other thing I remember was multiple trips per day. Some of the sectors were less than 5 minutes.:eek: This made for long days and was knackered at the end.

I wasn't there for the wet season so can't comment. However, was there during the build up and got some idea of the weather which made for some interesting decisions. :D Hmmm, do I go over under or around or better yet, land?

At the start I was a "fish out of water" as everything was so different from what I knew (even different again from Darwin) and it took me a while to adjust. By the time I finished there I was far more comfortable with the whole experience. :cool: :cool:

The only reason I left was because I was made redundant and I didn't think my debt level at the time would allow me to survive if I stayed on as a casual. I also thought that I would be able to get a job down south.

I was wrong on all counts and I wish I had stayed on.:(

Hope this is of some interest.