View Full Version : EK..24 wks salary bonus

14th May 2023, 06:06
Will CX follow???? :E


Piet Lood
14th May 2023, 06:35
Yes, but with 24 hours bonus.
Next year.
Because of the leap year.

14th May 2023, 07:25
Will CX follow???? :E


Well Jetjockey, those 24 weeks didn't make you leave right? So why would management care? His job is to keep the costs down, get his bonus and move to the next Swire gig in 18 months, voilá.

14th May 2023, 11:55
Well Jetjockey, those 24 weeks didn't make you leave right? So why would management care? His job is to keep the costs down, get his bonus and move to the next Swire gig in 18 months, voilá.

Unfortunately the Swine frogs tend to join CX in their twilight years of their tenure, hence caring about anything and anyone is the last thing on their mind. The only care is getting those bonuses before being put out to pasture or sold to the dog food factory