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View Full Version : Deleted emails

20th Apr 2023, 20:07
Hi Folks

Your help once again, please.

I use MS365 for my emails from BT Mail. I was involved in someone trying to scam me. The scammer inserted an extra letter into the email address of the known and trusted sender, hoping I would not see it. I blocked this crook, but since then emails from the trusted sender go straight into the 'Deleted' folder. Real annoying.

Any suggestions, please, as to how to allow emails from the trusted sender to go into the 'Inbox' as opposed to the 'Deleted' folder.

Thanks in advance for your help.

20th Apr 2023, 23:42
Did you block the exact address or did you block all addresses ending in the domain name?

Example: did you block [email protected] or did you block LINK.COM?

If you blocked LINK.COM then you won't get any messages from there. Some software, like MS Exchange, allows filters to move items. I used to have filters to move exact addresses to particular folders, leaving all unwanted/unclassified items in the Inbox. Anything I wanted to keep got a filter to move it. Anything else - wipe the inbox to the trash. That way I didn't miss anything and didn't spend much time on junk.

21st Apr 2023, 06:11
Did you block the exact address or did you block all addresses ending in the domain name?

Example: did you block [email protected] or did you block LINK.COM?

If you blocked LINK.COM then you won't get any messages from there. Some software, like MS Exchange, allows filters to move items. I used to have filters to move exact addresses to particular folders, leaving all unwanted/unclassified items in the Inbox. Anything I wanted to keep got a filter to move it. Anything else - wipe the inbox to the trash. That way I didn't miss anything and didn't spend much time on junk.

Hi MechEngr

I blocked the exact address.


21st Apr 2023, 12:37
Could it be a spam filter that is moving it instead of your block? Perhaps it has created a more flexible 'rule' based on your block that is also targeting the trusted sender.

21st Apr 2023, 12:58
Could it be a spam filter that is moving it instead of your block? Perhaps it has created a more flexible 'rule' based on your block that is also targeting the trusted sender.

I'm not sure whether your spam filter is acting on the BT mailserver or Microsoft office? If it's BT then any fiddling with MS365 won't help.

It might be worth logging into BT directly while MS365 is not connected to see if the message is already in the BT deleted folder.

Spam filters often have "whitelists' as well as blacklists. Adding your trusted sender to a whitelist should ensure that it isn't interpreted as spam.


21st Apr 2023, 23:08
In any case - unblock it and use message filters instead.

22nd Apr 2023, 05:26
Thanks to all.

BT was moving this email to the ‘Deleted’ folder I discovered, not Outlook.

Have changed a few settings, and hope that will resolve the issue.

As always, I appreciate the input by you all.
