View Full Version : One for the Historians

13th Feb 2023, 14:50
I am belatedly researching my father's activities in 1940 when he was a Codes and Cyphers officer in Egypt at HQ 202 Group at Heliopolis. While there he had a carbuncle on an arm and was transferred by air (a Bristol Bombay, he told me) to what appears in his records to be 2/5 Hospital and then to 2/10 Gen. Hospital. Before the days of antibiotics a carbuncle must have been a fairly serious matter, but can anyone suggest a location for either of those hospitals? He obviously survived and spent most of the rest of the War in Stalag Luft III after a period in Crete.

13th Feb 2023, 19:31
I don't know if you can find anything here. I know nothing at all about the subject. For instance prefix 2/ signifies ?

Hospitals WW2 - Scarlet Finders (http://www.scarletfinders.co.uk/112.html)

13th Feb 2023, 22:28
Many thanks for that steer. It at least locates the hospital in Egypt, but seems a bit askew with dates.