View Full Version : Baggage questions gone

29th Aug 2002, 06:07
TSA discontinues baggage check-in questions.
'Random' gate searches may be next.


I think I like this Admiral chap.

29th Aug 2002, 08:12
The questions are being phased out because they create a hassle and have never prevented a bombing or hijacking.

Yes they have and that is the reason most airlines adopted them but hey let's not inconvenience our impatient US passengers too much. Perhaps they ought to be allowed to carry their knives again too.

Those that forget the past are condemned to relive it.

29th Aug 2002, 18:28
Yes they have
Which one was that M.Souris ?
If you are thinking of the Irish girl duped by her 'fiancé' she was caught by El Al profilers, not by any rote check-in questions.

29th Aug 2002, 23:29
...and with good reason that "the 3 questions " are history.

Only in America would they assume that you would pack a bomb, carry a host of prohibited E.C.M gadgets or leave your suitcase with Mustapha and Ali (the El Quaeda lads), but NEVER, NEVER lie about it.

Have to agree with George Carlin on this one.

Departures Beckham
18th Sep 2002, 01:41
In the UK it is a DETR regulation that every passenger must be asked:

1. Could anyone have interfered with your bags since you packed them?

2. Has anyone asked you to take anything onboard.

If someone is either not sure or answers incorrectly, we send them to the Out Of Gauge (outsize) baggage belt where their bags are screened before their eyes, thus preventing any delay at the departure gate trying to find a passenger. The same applied to any pax carrying toy guns etc. in their hold luggage.

It takes no extra time as the check-in agent can ask while typing, and we had the questions available in writing in about seven languages.