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View Full Version : Balance test

7th Dec 2022, 21:23
When I used to go for Class 1 medicals, the doc would have me stand on one foot, eyes closed and see if I could balance. Now I'm retired and in my 60's, I can really do that very well. What has changed and should I be concerned?

8th Dec 2022, 00:30
I did my class 1 EASA recently, no balance test. Although my UK class 2 initial did involve a balance test, same as you described. Renewal didn't have one though. I'm sure it'll be fine, good luck.

8th Dec 2022, 08:36
Not sure I understand your post unless you meant to say "can't do that very well" rather than "can"?

If you meant can't then it could be something or nothing - It could simply be that your knees and ankles are not as strong as they once were so that balancing is just a bit more difficult. If you are just slightly wobbly with your eyes closed and fine with them open and you don't have any other symptoms then probably no need to worry.

f you go crashing to the ground the second you close your eyes or have other symptoms such as vertigo or dizziness or increased falling / clumsiness then probably ask your GP.

All the best