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View Full Version : Initial class 1 cholesterol

11th Nov 2022, 19:21
Hi all, had my initial class 1 this week and all was well apart form a high total cholesterol of 6.2. I have to get a lipid profile test and send the results. The doctor said I shouldn't have anything the worry about as I'm young and in good shape.
I cannot find much online for either EASA or CAA about cholesterol limits if there are any. I should've asked at the time, but does anyone here know if there are cholesterol limits for getting issued a class 1 or have a similar experience? I have searched the forum and can't find any similar posts. The impression I got was the lipid test is a formality. In the meantime I'll be making a few diet changes.

26th Nov 2022, 09:34
I too have often wondered if any action is taken especially as we would never do a cholesterol in isolation

One question - was it an early morning blood test without breakfast and no big meals the night before? If not again of limited value

Do let us know the outcome but please remember it isnt just about your certificate. If this was a fasting cholesterol you do need to follow it up and get advice - managing lipids and cholesterol especially in the younger male is crucial for preventing cardiovascular disease later on

26th Nov 2022, 15:53
It was mid morning and not fasted. Small bowl of porridge a few hours before. I went and got a lipid profile test 3 days later that showed total cholesterol as 5.07. This is still higher than what I'd like, so have adjusted my diet and will be getting the same test every few weeks to monitor lipids. I run a lot and the only thing I could put this down to is being in a caloric suprplus for weight training and it isn't always clean calories.
Had the lipid profile test done at Medical Experess in West London and had the results the following morning. AME was happy with them and I now have my class 1.

30th Nov 2022, 06:35
Please remember the AME is not your doctor - he is there for the CAA. If your cholesterol is high please discuss treatment with your GP. The evidence that it is safe and beneficial is overwealming