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View Full Version : Kidney Stones. What will happen next to my class1?

6th Nov 2022, 23:00
Im a private pilot (SEP) and ATPL student and I´ve finished all the theory and exams. Im building hours so I can start the ATPL training and my 36 month window to finish that runs out in october 2023 (EASA)
This summer I had one severe episode of pain that got me to the ER and turned out the be a kidney stone. Been visiting the hospital every 2 weeks for a scan until this september the stone was gone and went
its course undetected according to the doctor but he saw three remaining stones in the kidneys but said they might come loose or be there for months, years or most likely they migh dissolve with time. But Im free of active stones at the moment.

Few days ago there was time for my medical and didnt have to tell the AME about it, he saw the files and with the CT scan and everything. The result was because of the remaining stones the medical was not reissued
and said he had to sent the case to the head AME at the authority and he will evaluate and be in contact with me and that was one week ago.

Just wondering if anyone have been throu the same. Im curious about what happens next. Kind of hard to be patient these days and everyone else are flying when its sunny and nice weather. Will I be grounded until I get rid of the remaining stones or what do you think will be the result/decision regarding this?

8th Nov 2022, 09:19
Just had PCLN procedure on one Kidney, all stones removed. Got a Ureteroscopy on the other, with two smaller stones next month. UK CAA there is a procedure to follow, same EASA. I kept my medical UK CAA and EASA, just some 2 crew restrictions. Once am clear, these restrictions will be removed. My stones were not in a place where they could move, or were too big.

Medical was temporarily suspended post operation. Recovered in 5 days.

I was never in any pain, and found I had them after peeing microscopic blood at my annual medical. Glad they were found.