View Full Version : Rides DN-Gove in exchange for a couple of slabs?

The Wawa Zone
6th Nov 2022, 06:29
Does anyone still do daily regular return freight runs out to GV / GTE / other miscellaneous Arnhemlan tropical paradises, and can take (one) pax in exchange for a couple of cartons, or is that a good idea that disappeared years ago ?

6th Nov 2022, 06:34
Does anyone still do daily regular return freight runs out to GV / GTE / other miscellaneous Arnhemlan tropical paradises, and can take (one) pax in exchange for a couple of cartons, or is that a good idea that disappeared years ago ?

You can get pax onto Darwin / Jabiru etc runs quite easily but that is in exchange for other favours.

The Wawa Zone
6th Nov 2022, 08:04
You can get pax onto Darwin / Jabiru etc runs quite easily but that is in exchange for other favours.
Yesss, backpackers have always taken the line of least resistance.

However, returning to the the subject >>

Capt Fathom
6th Nov 2022, 11:17
However, returning to the the subject >>

A cheap ride to Gove? Pretend you’re a backpacker!

7th Nov 2022, 04:12
MAF (aka Mission Aviation Fellowship) have their major base at Gove/Nhulunbuy and do regular freight (self-loading and otherwise) runs all over the Top End. Maybe go ask them?

7th Nov 2022, 11:25
You can get pax onto Darwin / Jabiru etc runs quite easily but that is in exchange for other favours.
PAX Positioned And eXploited

7th Nov 2022, 12:45
Mission Aviation Fellowship and cartons of beer, maybe not.

8th Nov 2022, 05:16
Mission Aviation Fellowship and cartons of beer, maybe not.

Hand over a few $50 bills to cover your fare, and I'm sure they'd be happy to store your beer somewhere safe... :E

Fair point though. No-one is roaming free anywhere outside Darwin with cartons of grog these days - there's laws against that.

The Wawa Zone
8th Nov 2022, 08:26
172: Ah yes, a familiar route.
PC: I don't think the MAF Nhawie do runs out of DN, so my prayers won't be answered. Booze is freight, and freight is good. Gove is full of it.
601: Non-alko wine if it comes to that. Or maybe chips and fishes.

This is like giving free booze to pilots.

8th Nov 2022, 20:24
I used to take people on the Westwind jumpseat Darwin-Melbourne and back for a carton or so in years gone by.... :D

10th Nov 2022, 02:53
PAX Positioned And eXploited

I hear the REES44 is offering affordable off-the-book heli charters for those that want a quick, discrete charter...

The Wawa Zone
15th Nov 2022, 13:44
Well that's it then, I literally can't give away free piss to pilots in Darwin.

15th Nov 2022, 18:06
Well that's it then, I literally can't give away free piss to pilots in Darwin.

It's 2022 - they're probably concerned about the 80 page risk assessment document that will presumably accompany said piss? :eek:

The Wawa Zone
18th Nov 2022, 18:59
Banana Daiquiri's with little umbrellas, anyone ?