View Full Version : Best option for Distance Learning EASA?

7th Oct 2022, 09:30

I'm looking for a Distance Learning EASA Ground School in English.
I live close to an Austro Control Examination center, however it's hard to find distance learning offerings in English that then give you an ATO Sign-off to take AC exams.

In my experience the AC exams have a bit of a different wording and different areas of focus compared to the theory you find in Pooley's Books and the UK CAA QBs. There are some better suited theory books for AC called "Advanced PPL" but I could only find them in German.

On my short list I have Bristol Ground School but I don't know how good of a match is the EASA theory and QB (unsure if their QB gives you explanations or if they just give you the correct answer) with Austro Control PPL exams.

As AC only gives you 4 sittings in total, and in the first you have to take all 9 subjects, I'm open to other distance learning EASA PPL GS in English + Exam pairing, it doesn't have to be AC, it's just what I found near Zurich.

7th Oct 2022, 17:44
Are you wanting PPL or professional exams? Very few schools will do distance learning for PPL, if any

7th Oct 2022, 19:36
I'm looking for PPL.

8th Oct 2022, 19:32
I'm looking for PPL.
CATS Aviation

9th Oct 2022, 06:32
I would suggest you go with Bristol… and you can check the QB that AustroControl publishes for PPL exams. I believe it includes 75% of the official one… but very helpful

one thing to remember is that AC requires you to take all 9 subjects on the same sitting


16th Feb 2023, 19:09
Hey there,

regarding Bristol Ground School...

Obviously a lot of ATOs are using that software for the ATPL theory. Still every ATO is charging different amount of money, goes from 2.000 until 4.000 Euro.

Can someone explain that to me? Is there a difference in what you get?


Yoni Ajavon
21st Feb 2023, 15:12
I’m doing the PPL distance learning with Boeing materials via Luxembourg Flight Training Academy

1st Aug 2023, 12:18
How do the exams work?
If you do the course via distance learning, can you still do the exams in your own country? Or do you need to do it in the country where do course is from?


6th Aug 2023, 07:09
Yes, you can do them at your own country. EASA ATO issues a certificate of course complition/letter of recommendation for CAA. This document is valid in any EASA CAA and you can take exam anywhere.
If you are looking at which ATO to choose, you can take a look at VictorOne: victorone.eu

6th Aug 2023, 20:36
Yes, you can do them at your own country. EASA ATO issues a certificate of course complition/letter of recommendation for CAA. This document is valid in any EASA CAA and you can take exam anywhere.
If you are looking at which ATO to choose, you can take a look at VictorOne: victorone.eu
They’ve got only ATPL. Im looking for PPL course. Do you know any good ATO?

7th Aug 2023, 09:04
They’ve got only ATPL. Im looking for PPL course. Do you know any good ATO?

For distance ground school? Britsol Ground School has PPL course as well. Exams will be at your own cost and application.
Their ATPL course has pretty good reviews from above so the PPL should have a decent standard. I am planning to get the PPL course from them as well