View Full Version : Osprey grounded on an Island.

3rd Sep 2022, 15:42
Does anyone know the empty weight / mass of an Osprey?
Strange story I just came across.
Can it be too difficult to strip it down to a weight that a Chinook could lift?


The Helpful Stacker
3rd Sep 2022, 16:51
Does anyone know the empty weight / mass of an Osprey?
Strange story I just came across.
Can it be too difficult to strip it down to a weight that a Chinook could lift?


Is that an African or European Swallow...I mean, Osprey?

Will it be carrying a coconut?

3rd Sep 2022, 17:23
They might call the USMC for a hand. 53K has a 36k hook.

3rd Sep 2022, 17:27
Does anyone know the empty weight / mass of an Osprey?
Strange story I just came across.
Can it be too difficult to strip it down to a weight that a Chinook could lift?

Empty weight listed as 15 tons, engines are about half a ton each. Either with or without I reckon a CH-53 would just about manage it at sea level at a sensible temperature.

Compass Call
3rd Sep 2022, 20:29
Looks like it has been part stripped?

10th Sep 2022, 20:33
https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1600x900/97503306_5486_46b4_8306_4b7dac7c0395_585e9c02c1d32d1e5895ec7 c59e48bb933e7468a.jpeg
Perhaps our Ukranian friends have one of these they can borrow?

18th Sep 2022, 18:04
Recovery in progress: Google Translate Article (dagbladet.no) (https://www-dagbladet-no.translate.goog/nyheter/her-landet-flyet/77175007?_x_tr_sl=no&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


18th Sep 2022, 18:40
Was that website named by Yosemite Sam?

25th Sep 2022, 18:11
Video (https://fb.watch/fMkPJw5sge/)

25th Sep 2022, 19:55
Gamecock......now you done it!

27th Sep 2022, 18:50
It´s afloat

Compass Call
27th Sep 2022, 19:02
How come in post #7 the wings and props are folded but in post #11 the wings and props are spread?
Surely the recovery would be a lot easier when it was a smaller package?


27th Sep 2022, 19:30
Guess: The liftingpoints in use are on the wing, and perhaps they are rated for use only with the wing in flight position?

27th Sep 2022, 19:32
How come in post #7 the wings and props are folded but in post #11 the wings and props are spread?
Surely the recovery would be a lot easier when it was a smaller package?

I was wondering the same thing. Is it possible that in order to access the lifting points the wings need to be in the normal position?

27th Sep 2022, 19:54
Makes you wonder what the failure was that cannot be repaired in the field?

27th Sep 2022, 20:59
Makes you wonder what the failure was that cannot be repaired in the field?
isn’t it that the fleet is grounded so can’t fly out regardless of any repairs?

27th Sep 2022, 21:39
A one time ferry permit would be reasonable.

Recall the USN and USMC did not ground their Fleets as did the USAF and have quite a few more of the Aircraft than does the USAF.

The hard engagement issue has been known since 2010 or so.

28th Sep 2022, 11:01
Makes you wonder what the failure was that cannot be repaired in the field?

Probably find the damage done during the repair would have been more damage than how they retrieved it. If you had to drain oil and fuel and it takes 1 uncontained leak. People having to live and move around damaging the flora. Probably need some material handling vehicles. Field repairs can be bloody awful, I wasn't involved but remember talking to someone who was involved in a full field replacement of an engine on a chinook in rural WA (western australia) it was a pretty large exercise and it wasn't any enviormental issues. Just a long way from anywhere, something like 4 hours drive from the nearest pub

28th Sep 2022, 16:28
Arrived at Bardufoss AB by road today.

28th Sep 2022, 22:04
I never realised the wings could "fold" on the Osprey. Amazing the engineering that went into that airframe to make it as small as possible when necessary.

29th Sep 2022, 02:41
I never realised the wings could "fold" on the Osprey. Amazing the engineering that went into that airframe to make it as small as possible when necessary.
Designed for the Marines and the Navy. Has to be compact for use on the carriers

29th Sep 2022, 07:22
Ospreys have landed abruptly on various islands around Japan in recent years.

https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=japan+osprey+emegency+landing&client=safari&bih=715&biw=414&hl=ja&sxsrf=ALiCzsamS_6dRVEWvSFE9BLCnZKQRZYOQQ%3A1664397476948&ei=pLA0Y5HMOZCbsAew0oaICA&oq=japan+osprey+emegency+landing&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBAgeEAo6BwgAEEcQsAM6B AgjECc6BAgAEEM6BwgAEIAEEAQ6BwgjEOoCECc6BAgAEAo6BggAEB4QBDoEC AAQDToGCCMQJxATOgUIABDLAToICAAQyQMQywE6BQgAEJIDOgYIABAeEAU6B ggAEB4QCDoICAAQHhAIEAo6BAgAEB46BQgAEKIEOgUIIRCgAToHCCEQoAEQC joECCEQFToECCEQCjoHCAAQHhCiBDoGCCEQChAVSgQIQRgAUP4MWKzGAWCdy gFoB3AAeAGAAdsBiAHJI5IBBzM0LjEwLjGYAQCgAQGwAQ_IAQjAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1

Tango and Cash
29th Sep 2022, 22:05
I never realised the wings could "fold" on the Osprey. Amazing the engineering that went into that airframe to make it as small as possible when necessary.

Seeing the V-22 fold over the proprotors and swivel the wing around for the first time was almost more impressive than seeing it fly. And it happens quick, around 30 seconds if I recall correctly.

Flies like an airplane, lands like a helicopter, and folds itself up into a box for storage.

1st Oct 2022, 17:56
For anyone interested in the wing fold procedure,


Saint Jack
2nd Oct 2022, 02:45
Very impressive indeed (#24) do all Osprey's have this capability? If not, I can't help thinking, how much weight does it add to the basic airframe?