View Full Version : Security check areas poorly lit

22nd Aug 2022, 02:25
I'm not a frequent airport user, only a couple of times a year. But are ALL security check areas - you know, the bit where you bung all your carry-on crap into a tray - poorly lit?
I had an eye injury years ago and these specific bits of the airports I use are on the irritating side of drab.
Is there some sort of security-related reason for this? It must be miserable working in that sort of environment.
Or maybe just me?

22nd Aug 2022, 15:58
That's an interesting point Blues&twos. It is one that more of us will be faced with. My first thought was - is this to do with saving electricity? How long have you noticed this problem and does it seem to happen in airports in many countries?

22nd Aug 2022, 16:48
Pretty much all of the airports I've visited, S.oS.

It may be that I just notice it because of my eye injury, and no-one else cares. But the other bits of airports are usually well lit. Just the most stressful bit isn't.....

The light levels are just on the cusp - where my dodgy eye stsrts to struggle with contrast. It's really uncomfortable for me, hence me noticing it.

Squawk 6042
23rd Aug 2022, 06:05
It’s an interesting point as it is something I have noticed as well, e.g. at Manchester. Like SoS, I considered electricity saving as a possible reason, but the other parts of the airport seem well lit.

You would think that for security, bright lighting would help observation and also create a psychological effect of being ‘under the spotlight’. The only alternative argument I can think of is that the security staff are viewing the scanning monitors, and they are more easily seen under low lighting conditions.

23rd Aug 2022, 06:50
Must depend on the airport, the two/three I'm most familiar with these days (one UK, couple of others in Europe) have well illuminated screening areas in relatively recently constructed terminals or terminal extensions.

28th Aug 2022, 12:03
I have flights in October and November at LTN and LHR so will try to remember to report back.

28th Aug 2022, 16:26
It may be that retail shops in airports - typically chains which are very knowledgeable about what sort of ambient environment will maximise sales, have particularly bright lighting to make products seem more appealing to encourage sales... so "normal" lighting seems dull in comparison.

The next time you visit your local shopping street, have a look in at a (large) shop selling significant amounts of make-up (ie equivalent of duty free, usually the first shop after security) and see what you think of the lighting