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View Full Version : PPL Flight training in South Africa and UK conversion

British Aviator
17th Aug 2022, 20:44
I am planning on doing my PPL and Night rating in South Africa which would lead to a South African ICAO licence. I want to then carry on training in the UK and hopefully do volunteer humanitarian/anti-poaching bush flying seasonally in Africa. I have a few questions that I would be grateful to get answers to:

1. How can I convert a South African PPL and Night rating to a UK one?
- Is it a difficult process?
- If I have to redo the ground school exams, can I do that online whilst I study for the South African ones?

2. Is there any way I can subsequently renew my licence and medical certification for both the UK and South Africa simultaneously?
- Are there any places that do dual accreditations for both the flying and the medical?

3. Are there any flight schools that anyone would recommend in either Capetown or Johannesburg?
- I'm currently looking at Cape Town Flight Training Centre, Stellenbosch Flying Club Flight School and Johannesburg School of Flying.
- Are there any particularly suited to someone who wants to do bush flying?

Thank you!

18th Aug 2022, 06:59
All I can say from experience in the past:
If a gentleman called Gerald Todd is in the management of the flightschool, stay away !
He once was the owner of Cape Flying Service in GEORGE, SA.
He and his sister still owe a lot of students, a lot of money !

9th Mar 2023, 20:04
I am planning on doing my PPL and Night rating in South Africa which would lead to a South African ICAO licence. I want to then carry on training in the UK and hopefully do volunteer humanitarian/anti-poaching bush flying seasonally in Africa. I have a few questions that I would be grateful to get answers to:

1. How can I convert a South African PPL and Night rating to a UK one?
- Is it a difficult process?
- If I have to redo the ground school exams, can I do that online whilst I study for the South African ones?

2. Is there any way I can subsequently renew my licence and medical certification for both the UK and South Africa simultaneously?
- Are there any places that do dual accreditations for both the flying and the medical?

3. Are there any flight schools that anyone would recommend in either Capetown or Johannesburg?
- I'm currently looking at Cape Town Flight Training Centre, Stellenbosch Flying Club Flight School and Johannesburg School of Flying.
- Are there any particularly suited to someone who wants to do bush flying?

Thank you! Not sure if you've already found the answer to your question, but from what I understand is that if you have 100+ hours then it's a pretty simple process to convert your license, you'd just need to reist UK CAA Air Law and Human Performance exams and pass a skill test.