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View Full Version : "Singapore Air Eyeing Overseas Hubs After Being Trapped by Covid"

1st Jun 2022, 01:52
Headline on Bloomberg this morning. Sounds a good idea, smart management, you could put flight deck and cabin crews in a different country so they are not trapped by the next Covid. You could call them "Basings". I wonder if CX has thought of that?

Oh, wait...

7th Jun 2022, 14:57
Headline on Bloomberg this morning. Sounds a good idea, smart management, you could put flight deck and cabin crews in a different country so they are not trapped by the next Covid. You could call them "Basings". I wonder if CX has thought of that?

Oh, wait...

Your 3rd & 9th floor compatriots (sic) are only there to say yes and implement #CCP dictates for HK airlines plus pick up their bonus cheques..That they have the stones to still show their faces says it all:* South African diseases spread exactly like a virus:ouch: