View Full Version : Longjohns

24th Aug 2002, 10:18
I await the banter for this thread!!

Jockey longjohns - inner leg splits after about 3 months of use (1 day per week) and swiftly become dusters for the missus. Not a hot topic of conversation down the bar, but surely a waste of Betty's dosh.

24th Aug 2002, 10:25
It's a beautiful sunny saturday morning - think I'll stay in and type pants about pants :D

As regards your longjohns:

a) get bigger ones
b) get smaller thighs
c) become a trucky and don't wear any

Talking Radalt
24th Aug 2002, 10:43
So do truckies have alternative underwear or do they go "commando"?

Thought issue LJs were required for fire protection? Our CSROs are always bashing on about how correct dress for flying, even on a reasonably sunny Biritsh summer's day, is roll neck and LJs beneath a flying suit. Mind you if any fire is so intense that my tackle is in fear of being fried, correct dress really will be the last of my worries.:rolleyes:

24th Aug 2002, 10:59
Eh? You're supposed to take them out of the plastic bag then are you?

24th Aug 2002, 14:10
I agree, it happens to me as well. They just aren't up to the job, especially under a bunny suit in a goon bag! :D

24th Aug 2002, 16:41
Doesn't matter how big a size you get they always split when you pull them up(unless you're a dwarf). I still wear them in winter in my 60's airliner especially if we're trailing through Gander! Marks and Sparks long johns don't ever do this, but then again they don't deal in cheap crap like clothing stores!

24th Aug 2002, 19:56
Apparently if you coat them in Marmite and wear a thong underneath they last a lot longer. Well that's what Puma crewmen all say.....

(.... blue touch-paper and retire)

Background Noise
24th Aug 2002, 19:56
Did the Flight Safety course back in 1990. The Wg Cdr AEA chap said that they had sussed the problem - the long johns had followed fashion trends and become hipsters but what we really wanted were 'waisters' so we could yank 'em up as usual. So 12 years has got us a long way there.

Incidentally, thinking of the recent shortage of flying kit, is it true that the bloke previously in charge of flying clothing procurement is now something high up in the company that supplies flying kit? - or is that just malicious rumour?

24th Aug 2002, 20:00
Blimey, doesn't anything change? It was the same 20 years ago. Must be something to do with the size of the wearers' tackle.

Oops, crossed with the Marmite post. So that was their secret.

Not Imprest
24th Aug 2002, 22:57
Best thing for LJ's:

Don LJ's together with matching tight white top. Put on and lace up flying boots tightly and paint on silly 'tash with black cork/pen marker. Gather mates who've done like-wise and hit town as CIRCUS PERFORMERS! :D

Beats wearing them properly...! And the ladies LOVE it!

24th Aug 2002, 23:26
I split both knees in my green LJs ( admittedly I wear them for flyin - they don't show up the skid marks when the front enders screw it up again!! ). It took clothing stores 3 months to get me a replacement pair - nothin fancy - not modified in the crotch or anything - just a bog standard pair!!! 'kin useless!!!

25th Aug 2002, 00:17
Have finally managed to get some replacement LJ's after waiting for a year here at Shawbury - you can imagine the state of the old ones! New ones are no longer Jockey - wait out for durability report!

25th Aug 2002, 00:22
So degtnome what are they? Cockey? Slackey? Floppy? How about Still Crap?

25th Aug 2002, 10:17
Dunhoverin (It that's your REAL name!),

I thought you were more a chocolate spread and swarfega type of bloke. But then again........;)

25th Aug 2002, 19:19
Still baggy, still crap - just waiting for them to disintegrate around the crotch now....

25th Aug 2002, 22:42
Cotton LJ's rot pretty damned quick and it's not just me (thank god)

AMTW have a whole sweaty box dedicated to the new generation of flame-retardant underwear.

Pity of it is that the nice silky ones aren't as rot proof as the 'hair-shirt-itchy' ones.

So who cares about a few splits in the groin area after all????

26th Aug 2002, 09:19
The green ones last much longer I've found. As an alternative you go and see Mr Sparco, purveyor of fine race wear, and get some Nomex LJ's; they, after all, may actually be of use to you if you find yourself at gas mark 5!!

26th Aug 2002, 15:14
Personally I've always found Baileys to be a particularly effective knicker gusset-rotter.......

Who is it at AMTW who has the "sweaty box dedicated to the new generation of flame-retardant underwear"? The mind boggles........

Going back to the aircrew long johns, when I was at CGY on the 'toom, they found some long johns in stores which pre-dated even the Aertex jobs we used to have. They were genuine Albert Steptoe items, complete with button fly!!

Min Decent Ht
27th Aug 2002, 21:39
To change the topic slightly, whilst continuing the stores theme.

In 1993 I was fresh out of training and received the chronograph aircrew watch (gasp). After 2 years of faithful service the battery ran out so I went to stores. Funny old thing, I was put on the waiting list for a replacement due to an 'inability' (eventhough I was feeling fine). They did have one in stores, but that was for the Staish.......
After 6 months of waiting I went to 'local stores' and did what everyone else does and got the battery changed.

Life was sweet. The time, the date, even a stopwatch, I had it all.

Until that fateful day in 1998. The watch only told the correct time twice per day, and according to the stopwatch I could run 100 yds in 1.52 sec, well walk anyway. And it was groundhog day. bu66er.

So, learning from experience I went to stores for a replacement and was put on the list.
And after only 3 months this time I went to 'local stores' for the new battery.
'Local stores' inform me the battery is fine. Double bu66er.


I would like to thank the RAF for my 'new' replacement watch that arrived in the post today. After only waiting 4 years it arrived rapped in bubble stuff, looking pretty, the stopwatch hands wizz round and everything!! No date though.

Best I buy a Brietling.:rolleyes:

27th Aug 2002, 22:30
When I sent my Breitling off for a battery and seal change last year, I fished out my RAF watch to use whilst the Breitling would be away.

But it didn't work. So off to stores to get a replacement battery. That didn't work. Then they tried my battery in a different watch - that didn't work. So they tried the new battery in the other watch; guess what, that didn't work either. So they hunted for another watch and found one. But it didn't need a battery - it was just like the old one I'd had at Cranwell in 1969. It also had about 32 years worth of scratches and sweat on it.....

Thankfully the Breitling came back fairly soon afterwards - and my Duggie Bader era watch is at the back of the sock drawer!

Ex Douglas Driver
28th Aug 2002, 02:22
BEags, the battery didn't work because it was probably a wind-up model manufactured in 1912! Come to think of it, from your amount of "time up", it was either a sun dial or water powered. ;)

28th Aug 2002, 07:40
At least back then that was the only part of kit you were issued which was a wind up.

Poison Arrow
29th Aug 2002, 02:13
So I guess someone got sent to stores for a 'long stand' or perhaps a 'long weight' per chance?

Oh those UAS days.........:p

30th Aug 2002, 23:57
Go sweep the glideslope blogs...

3rd Sep 2002, 20:12
Tartan paint for Burns Night always works!!! Well it did to me!