View Full Version : Revalidation of the IRI privileges by experience

19th Dec 2021, 17:44
I just noticed that for the revalidation of the IRI privileges on a FI rating requires 10 hours of IR instructing in the previous 12 months to the expiry.

Annoyingly the hours I have for instructing for the SE IR and SE CB IR will fall outside the 12 months (literally within the last 13 months of the expiry).

It is just the Part FCL phrase is 10 hours for IR (not IRR).

Those with the IRI privilege restricted to the IRR only are exempt from the 10 hour requirement.

This seems to suggest hours instructing for the IRR cannot be credited towards that 10 hours required for revalidating the IRI privileges?

Coming up for the first FI renewal since having the IR privileges next year.

20th Dec 2021, 08:04
This seems to suggest hours instructing for the IRR cannot be credited towards that 10 hours required for revalidating the IRI privileges? It does because the IRR has nothing to do with EASA and they are not likely to legislate for it.
If you revalidate by AoC then the FIE will ask you to teach an instrument approach as part of the AoC and thats it done.

20th Dec 2021, 21:22
As usual the UK CAA has just ported across EASA rulings without modifying appropriately for UK differences.

But thanks for the confirmation Whopity.