View Full Version : Wiz Air/Egnatia flight school

7th Aug 2021, 18:27
Hi all,

I’m planning to start training at some point next year and I am looking to apply for Wzz Air cadet programme and do my training with Egnatia (Greece). My question is if anyone knows how Egnatia is viewed by other airlines? Would be great to know if other airlines view Egnatia in good light or it’s not a very desirable school in a pilot’s CV if I decide to move on from Wizz after a few years.

Any input/insight is greatly appreciate.

9th Aug 2021, 01:30
I am from Greece and although not from that particular academy, I hear that it's the most professional flight school out of anything in Greece (Minus the 1 accident that happened a while ago that was probably student error). Airlines definitely view it as a good academy. The question is, will anyone care about what flight school you came from after you get employed at Wizz and get rated on the Airbus family with presumably many hours? I would say no.