View Full Version : How to combat sweat (serious question)

27th Jul 2021, 15:01
Time is upon us, summer is here. We shower before the flight and by the time we return from the walk around it looks like we are ready to shoot a Head & Shoulders advert.

Aside from sending the FO outside or skipping a shower all together does anyone have any effective ways to stay cool?

Silly question, I'll probably get roasted for it but worth a shot.

27th Jul 2021, 15:13
In Aden I was one of the many guys who wore a vest under uniform or flying suit otherwise they'd get absolutely soaked in sweat.

27th Jul 2021, 17:23
I have sweated through at least 30 white medium sized Primark T-shirts in 10 years for the cause.

Your mother was always right "Wear a vest, it's cold outside"
Well. Almost right. It's hot.

28th Jul 2021, 00:00
Uniqlo AIRism undergarment t-shirts are really good and inexpensive too. The thin material is figure hugging so isn't bulky under your work shirt, they're comfortable and designed wick moisture while letting your skin breath so dries almost instantly if it gets wet.

Jack D
28th Jul 2021, 00:21
Prince Andrew might be able to offer some tips about not sweating , you could give him a call !

28th Jul 2021, 01:35
Rug is bang on the money,

I also use Uniqlo Airism t-shirts underneath my white shirt.

Inexpensive, good quality and do a damn good job.

Regardless, some people sweat more than others when it comes to heat and humidity. And if you're inclined to sweat more, there is not much you can do about it.

But a decent undershirt likes these uniqlo's helps make a difference.
But don't get an undershirt that is too tight....get one size up is my 2 cents.

28th Jul 2021, 07:45
Good topic ,

many time it happened Middle East airline chief pilot have to write notice to crew about personal hygienic

28th Jul 2021, 12:00
Hi Swiss

There is no such thing as a silly question, especially if this is your first summer here.

Now, I’m sure everybody on this forum will agree with me when I say PLLLEASSSE stay hydrated. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.

I remember this with a catchy phrase “no need to debate, when it’s hot, hydrate!.” So if your nipping for the morning Starbucks with the girls just remember to take a little bottle with you or pick one up from the closest grocery store. The temperatures can be very high even in the mornings!!

Another important safety consideration is protection from the sun. You can buy sun cream which comes as lotion spray or even gel . When applied to the skin this will absorb or reflect some of the suns ultra violet (UV) I’d recommend at least a factor 30 and avoiding direct sunlight between 12-2:30 in the middle of the day.

Carefulness costs nothing . Enjoy your time in the sun but please be sensible!

28th Jul 2021, 16:43

Yes this is the best option. You get them in white. But the wifey complains that it does such a good job of absorbing the sweat that it stinks after a while so I carry a cotton vest that I change into after airborne. But seriously it makes a HUGE difference, I feel a million times better before departure. ACs (packs and external) are useless in this heat and humidity.

28th Jul 2021, 23:57
Eat a lot of Garlic during the few days leading up to your flight. It will give your sweat that pleasant bbq smell

29th Jul 2021, 08:35
unless of courese Nosferatu is your HOFO/CP/MANAGEMENT or similar....could be a career killer!

just a consideration for fellow aviators.

you're welcome! :ok:

30th Jul 2021, 23:12
First off, shower just before heading to work. Use anti-perspirant. Carry a folded shirt and vest in your flight bag. Or two. Once the flight deck becomes dry, which it really does, change tops. Top of climb is a good plan. This works well for proper long-haul. No sweat.

If you have a turn-round in the heat, (ME folk particularly), then carry two sets of clean garments. It is hardly rocket science. Laundry is not costly. Comfort is important in this job. Change and feel dry.

I've flown alongside too many sweaty and smelly guys (not women).

Personal hygiene is important, but rarely discussed for pilots.

31st Jul 2021, 14:12
Try https://www.sweatshieldundershirt.com/
I can guarantee you won't sweat through to your shirt with one of these on. Better than a standard undershirt as it doesn't allow the sweat to continue onto your uniform at all.