View Full Version : Threemite Elektrocut abrasive cloth substitute?

2nd Jun 2021, 20:04
I am repairing a delamination in a bonded joint (a fuel leak in a wet wing), and the manual specifies Threemite Elektrocut abrasive cloth for surface preparation. This is an aluminium oxide abrasive cloth, and as far as I can guess, it leaves no abrasive particles after sanding, which is indeed important in my case as I am sanding the inside of a narrow slit. It doesn't seem to be available in Europe - can anyone recommend a proper substitute?

3rd Jun 2021, 14:53
Is this the same stuff?

https://uk.rs-online.com/web/c/hand-tools/sanding-filing-polishing/sandpaper-sanding-blocks-pads/?searchTerm=3M%20Utility%20Cloth%20Roll&redirect-relevancy-data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r=f&searchHistory=%7B%22enabled%22:true%7D


I ask because if you look at this 3M make it, so perhaps approach 3M just make sure you get the correct grade if it is.


3rd Jun 2021, 23:04
Thanks for the tip, NutLoose. A search through matching part numbers revealed the Elektrocut product to be the same as 3M 211K Utility Cloth; there is also a better variant (with a stronger bonding) called 314D Utility Cloth.

1st Jul 2021, 09:58
Cool, glad to help :)