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View Full Version : Where Did the Flight Centre Man's Ansett Hat Go?

21st Aug 2002, 00:51
Just watched the box last night and noticed that the Flight Centre front man wasn't wearing his standard (what I believe was) an Ansett issue pilot's hat.

Seemed a bit strange that flight centres cancelled their agreement with Ansett some years back and was always promoting QF but the guy in the add always wore what appeared to be an Ansett hat.

Can anyone explain or comment?
If so where did the hat come from?

21st Aug 2002, 05:23
Yeah noticed the same this arvo.
Looks pretty bland having just a plain hat.
Suppose originally they couldnt find a real hat so an Ansett hat just had to do!
One point though...........if they had a ginormous "Q" on the front it would be a bit bloody obvious (not to mention embarrassing).
Can just see the little kids going "Mommy, what does Q stand for???"

I wonder too why the Ansett hat went by the wayside.
If anything a bit nostalgic if not ironic.

cyclops camel
21st Aug 2002, 05:41
The original hat was owned by my Training Captain - a BN based 737 driver. The Flight Ops secretary asked him for both his jacket and hat (a plain tie was used from memory) because he was about the same bulid as the actor in the ads. This was back in the mid 90's.
Not sure what happened to either the man or the uniform since last Sep.... :( :(

crocodile redundee
22nd Aug 2002, 09:43
I saw the hat in a Woodford antique shop 2 weeks ago with a price tag of $40 on it.
The AN owner has disappeared into oblivion along with thousands of other ex employees.....

Buster Hyman
22nd Aug 2002, 13:50
I believe the flight centre pilot got demoted because he failed to report an overrun within the necessary time frame!

Honestly though, what would a pilot know about air fares? I've never known any that actually pay for a ticket!!!;) :D :D :D

Pole Vaulter
22nd Aug 2002, 23:05
Well Crocodile Rundee, if you saw an AN hat for $40 grab it quick and put it on Ebay. You are lucky to find one available for under $100 and that is real money USD. And you might find most of us AN employees have not in fact dissappeared into oblivion as you suggestered.

23rd Aug 2002, 02:12
The hat in question is $45.
How's things Barney ???

25th Aug 2002, 06:24
Thanks guys for the narrative as to the origin of this most vaunted hat.

Does anyone know or can speculate as to why Flight Centres ditched the previous hat and went for the plain-jane look?