View Full Version : B-747 Angle of Incidence

21st Apr 2021, 18:50
I'm wondering if anyone has a rough estimate of the B-747's angle of incidence (the -400 and/or -8, or even the classic).

I realize the wing has washout and therefore the incidence angle is not constant, but something close to an average angle would be interesting to know.


21st Apr 2021, 21:10
By convention, incidence is normally defined as that at the wing root.

The 747's is 2.0°. I don't know what the value is outboard.

21st Apr 2021, 21:25
Easily found in a quick search of "747 wing angle of incidence" (9th entry):


24th Apr 2021, 17:00
Ok, thanks DR and JW.

The topic came up in a debate about how close to AOA that the aircraft's pitch attitude minus flight path vector is. Someone pointed out that (pitch attitude + angle of incidence) - flight path vector would be close to an actual AOA value, but we were unsure how wing washout etc would affect the AOA value. I guess it is not so simple on a big, complex wing, which is why we are taught that pitch attitude - flight path vector is an "indirect indication" of AOA.

Apologies for not finding it on my own searches. I guess my error was omitting the term "wing". Simply searching for "747 angle of incidence" was insufficient.