View Full Version : Liver G.G.T. and Initial Class 1

27th Mar 2021, 15:59
Hi !!

I went for my first medical class 1 initial examination in France, but it got temporary rejected because of Gamma GT too high.
I don't drink at all, maybe one or two glass during Christmas or summer but thats it. Nothing within the last 3 months, since Christmas.

I managed to lower down the gamma GT that was initially at 114 to 77, 71, and 73.. but can't go lower than that.. I have to be under the limit of 61.
I went for an MRI scanner and they found nothing at all, my liver and pancreas looks perfect. Same with CDT test ( alcohol blood test), everything was good.

Liver specialist can't find the reasons of that except that, so right now they are passing my file to each other just find the reasons. One of them say that I may have an Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. ( NAFLD ) or steatosis.

Im not looking for any further diagnosis but just want to ask you guys if any body have this conditions and got refused or admitted from a class 1 medical for the same or similar reasons.
