View Full Version : Pfizer Vaccine arrived today via CX

9th Feb 2021, 11:17
no word in the media?

who is first in line?

9th Feb 2021, 11:41
I think they will have more fanfare when the Sinovac arrives. 1 Country, 1 System and all...

9th Feb 2021, 11:46
JMock, no one. Something else is at work here, obviously. I reflected on this point as I stood in line waiting for my airport-entry COVID test (one I’ve done numerous times already), and the threat of 5000 HKD fine starting March 1. Why not me and the 100+ individuals lining up for a COVID VAC instead?

9th Feb 2021, 12:50
because they’ll rightly prioritise those groups that are at risk of serious illness and death before they consider your minor inconveniences of waiting in a line.

9th Feb 2021, 12:56
3, that wasn’t a personal bugaboo. Just pointing out the fact that the government is imposing ANOTHER layer of oversight on TESTING after a YEAR, when they could be engaging on VACCINATION. In whatever sequence. You know this, stop acting obtuse.

9th Feb 2021, 12:58
Somebody, for V...how many deaths in HK this week due to COVID.

9th Feb 2021, 15:43
Not darting around the world in the middle of a pandemic would probably help the situation

9th Feb 2021, 15:49

9th Feb 2021, 16:02
And Pr(0)p, last time I felt the WASH was in 1992. No disrespect, just refernce that’s all.

9th Feb 2021, 16:03

17th Feb 2021, 11:10
So flight crew to be one of the first groups to get jabbed.

17th Feb 2021, 11:15
SCMP just said Sinovac jabs next week and Pilots would be first.......
So, who’s rolling up their sleeve for a Sinovac jab?

17th Feb 2021, 12:45
I would rather get a prostate check by Edward scissor hands!

17th Feb 2021, 12:55
It will be a condition of employment soon watch! See how many people turn it down then!

17th Feb 2021, 18:23
So does anybody know which vaccine the crew will get?

18th Feb 2021, 04:08
The cheapest one.

Sir KDM Lowe
18th Feb 2021, 04:21

Now that is funny... :)

Curry Lamb
18th Feb 2021, 04:57

Which really is nothing other than a diluted saline solution, so it’s perfectly safe

18th Feb 2021, 07:01
And if it turns out to be more than that, not to worry - your family gets $2.5 mil if you die


18th Feb 2021, 07:31
Better off with some side effects. 3 million keeps me in my apartment for a few more years once the allowance runs out.

Curry Lamb
18th Feb 2021, 07:48
I’m not sure what would constitute “serious side effects”, but it may very well be good ones.

Should one “grow” by a few inches, after taking said vaccine, and collect 3 mil in the process, the story would certainly have a very happy ending :}

18th Feb 2021, 22:32
Just failed in an attempt to post the 29 centres that have been designated vax centres.
5 are to offer Sinovac
24 BioNTech

18th Feb 2021, 23:26
I think there is an approval required for links sometimes. If anyone is interested it is on covidvaccine . gov . hk / en / programme
click the list of centres and it'll show them all with included vaccine

Adam Nams
22nd Feb 2021, 01:29
Link here (https://www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/programme) if needed

List of venues and type of vaccines issued (opens in pdf) (https://www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/pdf/List_of_CVC_Venues.pdf)

22nd Feb 2021, 23:59
All open for bookings, most greyed out. Sino at the moment but end of the week they say Pfizer will be unlocked for booking. From company information it looks like the CAD has no objection to either options.

23rd Feb 2021, 02:33
I’m so glad so many people are willing to take the Sinovac one! This hopefully leaves my family and I with the Pfizer one

Curry Lamb
23rd Feb 2021, 03:10
I got poked yesterday, Sinovacs, and so far no serious side effects, such as growing a spine :}

People just couldn't wait to book jabs: Carrie Lam

23rd Feb 2021, 03:17
Curry, we know the truth! That was a long needle. Couldn’t have been sinovac

Sue Ridgepipe
25th Feb 2021, 22:29
SCMP just said Sinovac jabs next week and Pilots would be first.......
So, who’s rolling up their sleeve for a Sinovac jab?
I think this piece of CCP propaganda might help answer that.....

26th Feb 2021, 01:48
No it didn't answer the question. The propaganda piece merely mentioned that many people wanted vaccines and it did not quote exact statistics from the covid jab registration website. (How many signed up for Sinovac and BioNTech respectively?) The politician mentioned, Victor Chan Chi-Ho, is pro-establishment as evidenced by which political party he is in, so the citizens he is in contact with probably is as well. And this claim is justified because...
Victor Chan is a MAINLAND CCP OFFICIAL in Nanning town, Guangxi province and the vice-chairperson of a pro-CCP group (香港政協青年聯會, sorry can't find an English translation for the name), consisting of mainly descendants of rich HK businessmen. I don't think the opinions he gathered in the community are really representative of the HK population.
The article only serves to make the blue ribbon camp love the CCP more. It didn't answer anything.

27th Feb 2021, 00:24
Is that a former DFO's son getting the jab in the photo? Why would he be wearing uniform?

27th Feb 2021, 06:31
You’ve never heard of PR?

27th Feb 2021, 08:17
Evan was gutted not to get that photo opportunity, but Pete has been putting the work in with multiple bicep curls and was clearly the best choice on this occasion.

27th Feb 2021, 09:16
Look at those guns. We’ll have to start calling him “Pistol Pete”!

27th Feb 2021, 11:08
why the uniform indeed, one would hope he’s not going flying straight after.

28th Feb 2021, 05:37
Well hello, anyone home, it’s obvious a PR exercise to show the public the crew are getting vaccines........surely a good opportunity.

28th Feb 2021, 06:40
Except for the fact that it’s the wrong vaccine.

Curry Lamb
1st Mar 2021, 02:34

Being received by a narcissistic sycophant of note, who has zero moral values - just ask a certain ex SO

1st Mar 2021, 06:58
Joe and Jane Public don’t know that.....

Its designed to show Cathay crew are doing their bit.

1st Mar 2021, 08:06

What makes you say that?

1st Mar 2021, 08:06

And has already been blackballed by the FAA as incompatible with licensing issue. Politics perhaps. However, worth bearing in mind that at least one fairly big player in the pilot licensing stakes considers it unsuitable for pilots.

Curry Lamb
2nd Mar 2021, 02:25

And how’s that working out for CXi so far? 2 weeks quarantine, corporate “image” in absolute shambles, crew relations at rock bottom, and just wait for those financial results in April - it’s gonna read like Stephen Kings horror story :ouch:

2nd Mar 2021, 05:59
Any reason why we can't lockdown like Auckland and get the cases over with?

2nd Mar 2021, 06:52
Yeah. Lockdown for how long ? A year. Panic over one case. Plunge your economy back to barter status.
Plenty of reasons

3rd Mar 2021, 01:26
BioNtech bookings opened today.

Dragon Pacific
3rd Mar 2021, 01:35
Yep. Booked mine. Easy.

3rd Mar 2021, 04:08
Same, simple process. Limited options for now but will open up soon.

Dragon Pacific
3rd Mar 2021, 04:52
I’m hoping that they will reduce quarantine requirements for pilots that are vaccinated so I’m happy to get in early.

Flying Clog
3rd Mar 2021, 06:54
It will be at least September, with or without a vaccine.

Saying that, I've booked mine. Easy.

3rd Mar 2021, 07:50
A bit of wishful thinking. As much as I would love to leave my plush jail cell to explore an outport, it’ll be a cold day in hell when the government allows us to step out at an outport before years end

3rd Mar 2021, 10:43
Also booked my "Fosun" "Comirnaty" vaccine today. Perhaps the press cannot spell Pfizer, or maybe it has been re-packaged by a local agent. A nice little earner...

What I would like to do is to echo and amplify the posts above on the booking process online. The website should be an exercise in IT classes on how to make things simple, logical and fast for the general public. It was a delight to use and simple to understand. I can assure the Hong Kong people that there are very many worse government COVID vaccination web sites around the world.

Curry Lamb
7th Mar 2021, 08:56

Two women hospitalised after getting Sinovac jabs

Seems they’re dropping like flies :eek:

8th Mar 2021, 06:12
And an old guy had a heart attack on a bus. Stick to the mtr.

8th Mar 2021, 14:25
Not sure why anyone would accept the chi-com stick. This is the country who quit reporting COVId data months and months ago, got a free pass from their bought and paid for sock puppets (W.H.O.) and you deem them trustworthy? No thanks! They've kicked out every third party reporter and only push the chi-com narrative. Run and run far away from anything rolling out from the chi-com.

24th Mar 2021, 04:36
Arrived this morning to get my vaccination and discovered that, due to a packaging problem, all Pfizer vaccinations have been suspended UFN. After a while, a message came through confirming the decision and re-scheduling of appointments will happen once they have worked out the problem and whether the batches on hand have been compromised.
Very frustrating.

24th Mar 2021, 05:03
P...s up in a brewery springs to mind.

Dingleberry Handpump
24th Mar 2021, 06:22
Because the manufacturer warned them of a batch fault?

Would you have gone ahead and dished them out, anyway?

24th Mar 2021, 06:59
Will be up and running again soon. A titling of a cap that is defrosting from -80 is little to worry about.

24th Mar 2021, 08:48
Great! So they have injected me with a vaccine which could have been tampered with by anyone because it was not sealed properly!

Curry Lamb
24th Mar 2021, 12:13
Probably another mainland scam, real fake vaccines - like the baby milk powder a few years back, that killed off a dozen or so.

And they want to be a wold power - tell me another joke!