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View Full Version : Revisiting the Pave Hawk crash

19th Aug 2002, 06:15
I just read an interesting article in the Sept 2002 issue of National Geographic Adventure about the May 30th climbing accident on Hood and subsequent crash of the H-60. It gives a few more details and clues as to what may have happened. It seems the Oregon National Guard and the Air Force Reserve both responded to the incident, with the guard successfully picking two off the mountain before the now-famous scene of the Air Force Pave Hawk striking and then rolling down the slope, followed by the guard picking another two later in the day. The Guard pilot on scene makes it pretty clear what he believed happened. From his performance calculations and weight estimates of the Pave, he makes a compelling argument. Read the story yourself. Careful, this may offend some people. (posted previously on Just Helicopters).

Flight Safety
19th Aug 2002, 07:54
The current online issue at the National Geographic website is still August. :rolleyes:

19th Aug 2002, 21:03
Please excuse my question, do any of you guys have a link to this, have trawled the Nat Geo site but cant find any info on this incident.

Thanks in advance for your help.


(I work for the engine manufacturers - hence my interest)