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View Full Version : Wizz Air and Unions

16th Jan 2021, 08:40
So the likes of SAS, Norwegian are on their knees, as are carriers in other countries and in comes Wizz, with no respect for pilots working conditions, salaries etc .They pretty much break working conditions in each country they work in. Obviously to offer EUR10 airfares they are cutting costs elsewhere and that is on salaries. And what do Unions do about it nothing !! I have always had respect in the past for my Union, but forget it they are useless when needed,

16th Jan 2021, 12:52
It's a rather tough nut to crack. Problem is that there are no intra-European labour laws, nor legal ways of making a blanket union regarding all the different bases in different countries. Having said that if i were to start something i would definitely reach out to colleagues at RYR and EZY to find out how are they managing in their respective countries (bases). Also contacting local transportation labour unions wouldn't hurt. All these have to be put in motion, legalized, notarized, the full legal monty, etc. before offering individual crewmembers to sign up. Not sure about eastern Europe, but apparently it's even a tougher nut to crack. Local labour code seems somewhat pro-corporate and a bit of anti-staff/worker which doesn't come as a surprise considering most eastern European countries agenda on attracting western manufacturing with lower labour costs, etc. However i would highly recommend researching the history of ALPA. Good book on the subject is Flying The Line by George E. Hopkins and it's also available as an audio book on a free podcast running by the same name. I know, it's US, fundamentally different from the EU but still gives one a good picture on what's involved and how much hard work has to be put in.

16th Jan 2021, 14:43
Thanks A321 will try and get hold of the book. But don’t you normally have to follow the labour laws of the country you are working in or for posted to. I suppose when Aviation returns to normal, we will get our chance , as bound o be a Shortage of current crews around. But in next life will ditch the unions they make a lot of noise but have done nothing to support the many pilots that have been kicked out, put on lower terms etc etc . Suppose they are not getting their fees. I think Easyjet adopt the laws and workers rights in the countries they work in, in all fairness to them.

16th Jan 2021, 17:38
@ZAV: There's always the first time.

Another fine point which many fail to embrace is LIFO for redundancies being unlawful everywhere in the EU that we know of. It's a very good question then, what can the union do for you that you cannot arrange yourself. (With valid answers, actually).

321driver Repeated misconception about the lawful labour protections in the ex-commie part which used to be ruled by the working class -it's the other way around. Getting the justice served in accordance with that law -- now you're onto something. Have you seen what RYR holdings did to the union in Austria, after signing the collective labour agreement with them at Lauda? Compass swing may be required.

18th Jan 2021, 09:45
I'm from Eastern Europe and i have to agree: dubious work/corporate practices all over the spectrum, not just in aviation. What still puzzles me that how did RYR got away with it in Austria: weak unions, pilots/cc not willing to sign up with unions or just nobody cared to report it to the relevant labour office, perhaps? Sometimes the most obvious course of action is missing somewhat from the equation. Report dubious work practices to your relevant labour office/ministry and leak it to the press. At least it might get people talking about it outside online forums like this.

20th Jan 2021, 10:55
School kids dream of being pilots and will go to extraordinary lengths to achieve their dreams...I personally have not met too many who dream of being accountants (no offence)

23rd Jan 2021, 05:48

Think the main one is the bargaining ability. The solo approach is the smallest possible unit so no wonder things are the way they are in the ultras in contrast to some airlines that have and result is much better balance and conditions...

23rd Jan 2021, 09:21
And during the bad times: Legal aid, peer support and financial back-up in case of unlawful treatment by the company - on a good and proper level needed to stand up against corporation - that's basically impossible on your own.

Centre ring, whistle-blower protection and discrete channels of communicating. That benefits both sides and no even good SMS will not provide what the union filter can. IMHO.

29th Jan 2021, 16:21
Oppressive regimes accommodate oppressive companies. The majority of people will not succeed in a fear culture.