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11th Jan 2021, 08:40
G'day PPRuNers

Anyone out there able to let me know what happened to Ian Hogdgson's (RIP) - P2WDL at Doni ?
I think it goes back to the 80s - any source for a Report ?

chimbu warrior
11th Jan 2021, 22:05
Hi Descol, as I recall John M had hired the aircraft to use whilst on his honeymoon, and suffered an engine failure after takeoff at Doini. From memory it went into shallow water but I don't believe it was recovered.

John and his bride made the front page of the Post Courier. This would have been about 83 or 84 from memory. Doubt that there is any publicly available report.

I last saw John about 25 years ago when he was living in Rockhampton, not in great health. No idea where he is now.

12th Jan 2021, 08:16
thanks CW - both PDL and Ian Hogdgson - now gone pinis !