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View Full Version : Recall after COVID layoffs?!?

13th Dec 2020, 14:24
Anybody knows if some companies start recall pilots after layoffs (furlough, unpaid leave or whatever the title is/was...). Korean Air called back just very few, aroind 40 pilits out of 400. Anything else going on out there? Rumors are that some Chinese Airlines call back?!

14th Dec 2020, 07:53
I've just received an email from Rishworth looking for IRE/TRE and LTC for Vietnam Airlines with the interview next month. It seems to be a specific vacancy rather than just trying to get people on file.

Anup Sharma
14th Dec 2020, 14:28
Yes true ...as of now they are paying $400

14th Dec 2020, 22:47
Hainan have started calling pilots back but pay is reduced from guaranteed 20000 per month after tax. For 60 hrs.
They now pay 3000 guaranteed and 76 usd per hour flown, and you are responsible for your taxes.

Elephant and Castle
15th Dec 2020, 17:49
Personally I am not going anywhere until all the desperados take the ****ty jobs. I much rather seat at home and wait. I have seen it all before and in a few months some airlines that cut too deep will be desperate for pilots. People will fly again, aircraft will need pilots and the going rate will return. No need to panic.

23rd Dec 2020, 09:15
That Korean Air figure is less than 300 now.

7th Jan 2021, 07:16
Was back in ICN the other day for the first time in a few months. Unfortunately the cargo ramp is still full of snow covered wide bodies.

8th Jan 2021, 18:12
We’re at a point where the airlines can look ahead and plan for crewing requirements for the rest of the year. The window for a quick course to return to the line is closing.
There is no point in recalling crew right after they could have done a short course. As most training departments struggle with course efficiency at the best of times, it will takes years to get any remaining foreign crew back on line.

Foreign crew are the absolute last priority and I wouldn’t be surprised if some recalled crew get kicked to the curb again while airlines complete conversion courses.

The agencies know this as they aren’t saying anything and don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.

If everyone can plan for another year of leave, I think
It’s going to be a buyers market for crew. With so many retirements, people moving on and airlines shutting down their training pipelines, they will struggle to operate at even 70% of pre covid capacity for years.

I think most airlines will find that not everyone is going to drop everything and come running back when recalled.