View Full Version : RAF Tornado GR J* tail codes (not 27 Sqn)

Jerry Atrick
24th Nov 2020, 15:17
Looking for info on Tornado GR1/4s coded 'J*' etc in 1999/2000 for a forthcoming book project. They were primarily 14 & 17 Squadron aircraft which had previously been coded 'B*' and 'C*' as one would expect. It didn't seem to last long, no more than three years, and only a handful of aircraft were so marked (eg ZD811/JJ from 14 Sqn). Many thanks in advance.

25th Nov 2020, 17:38
There is an AJF here, you could contact the association.

The Tornado Era 1985- (http://www.14sqn-association.org.uk/14_Squadron_Association/Tornado_Era.html#13)

25th Nov 2020, 20:05
Jerry, I think they were aircraft added to the "Jural" fleet (it might not mean Jural but that was the OP we were supporting at the time).

Not all GR1 or GR4 later on had all the modifications required for deployment to operations. There was an attempt to ensure each squadron wasn't overburdened by having to prep and give up too many of its "own" jets. Prepping a jet for Ops or even N America was costly in terms of time, spares manpower effort for no immediate benefit for those who would do the work, effort even being diverted from routine training aircraft generation at times.

The J fleet when not on operations were shared around the squadrons for the same reason above.

What follows is a description by a former Tornado Rects controller/FS & Sqn WO, and WO Eng Plans and Records of a North America prep (not me), the pain for OPs was similar
"The aircraft that deployed to Goose Bay all had to meet an extensive and long "prep" list, the most limiting being clear of significant maintenance activity (scheduled servicing or component replacement, specific mod fits etc) hence the dyslexic fleet that got despatched.
Most aircraft would not fit the complete set of requirements and would have to be worked to "clear" activities in advance of being sent to join the long North America detachment.
Deep joy was felt as most Sqn got lumbered with at least one North America prep, losing both the use of the cab and the people who had to do the work. I had the fun of sitting on both sides of this particular fence in my time having been a shift FS on sqns and later WO EPR determining and sending out the tasking.
Trying to work a normal programme with 10% less available people and ac. Of course, all the other diversions had to be met (leave, courses, guard duties blah, blah blah!) so it was bad karma all round."
Hope that helps

Jerry Atrick
26th Nov 2020, 14:41
Many thanks Insty66, that would make sense. I had better brush up on Jural and see if the airframes fit. Cheers!