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3rd Nov 2020, 09:05
Yes, another. It made the first flight on 02/10/2020, it seems.
A tad complex for my taste, but best of luck to them.


Less Hair
3rd Nov 2020, 09:47
Nice folding concept. A poor man's osprey sort of.

4th Nov 2020, 00:45
I like it!

4th Nov 2020, 06:00
I hope future owners will be aware of the need for a very careful outside check before flying. Even the slightest damage when driving in busy traffic could have dire consequences later when airborne.

18th Nov 2020, 12:29
It better be hybrid or electric if they think they are going to put it on UK roads. (Yes, I know a flying car fundamentally is a hybrid, but it needs to be a hybrid-hybrid).

And by the way, Mercedes had folding gullwings in the '50s.