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View Full Version : Netherlands to retire C-130Hs early

17th Oct 2020, 16:48
Janes reported on 16 October that the Netherlands Defence Minister has told parliament of plans to replace the KLu's 2 C-130Hs and 2 C130H-30s "as their readiness rates have become so poor as to hinder simultaneous operations" Replacement will be under a project to be implemented between 2021 and 2028 with first delivery of a replacement in 2026. The previous plan was 2030 on.

While no candidate platforms were named, the MoD noted that its requirements include the ability to operate in and out of austere locations, a short take-off and landing (STOL) capability, and a medical evacuation (medevac) configuration that includes in-flight patient care, the ability to transport a minimum of 60 fully equipped paratroopers, a range of no less than 2,000 n miles, and fitted with self-protection and ‘network-centric’ equipment.

Any thoughts on a likely replacement? Is the C-130J too old a design now? So potentially A400M, Embraer C-390 or Kawasaki C-2? Are there any RAF surplus C-130Js left as a potential interim solution?

The proposed C-X project for C-130/C-17 replacement seems to have gone very quiet and clearly won't be available in the timeframe.

18th Oct 2020, 08:42
Given the small number required I think the A400M may well be too large and expensive . My money is on a 'scrappage' trade in to Lockheed for some nice new (or refurbished !) C130J.

West Coast
18th Oct 2020, 22:30
Curious who, if anyone will want to purchase the retiring Hercs.

19th Oct 2020, 09:56
aa62 - the first thing that struck me was that as was said of the DC-3 the only thing that can replace a Hercules is another Hercules. The second was that whoever wrote the spec went through Lockheed's C-130J brochure and made sure it could meet or exceed everything.

WC - given the reason for the sale is serviceability I would suspect they are only saleable for spares recovery - as I'm sure you know - there are plenty of Hs still used around the world. Although I would think there is a market for refurbished 130s out there. However, probably not these as a believe the two "newest" Dutch ones were refurbished between 2006-9 by Marshalls in the UK. The airframes were ex-USN which had sent them to AMARC (as it then was) in 1991. The C130H-30s were ordered in 1993.

19th Oct 2020, 10:34
An interesting comparison was the Kiwi AF Herc program. They had five H models that were around 50 years old and they did some big upgrades including replacement of the wing centre sections and other areas but still got to a point where with such a small fleet they'd be lucky to have one or maybe two serviceable. The USAF has had a big H model refurb program including new props and cockpits but this was to carry a much deleted fleet through so they could acquire more J models. Other users such as Denmark and Norway rolled over to the J. It looks like Holland is just playing catch-up.

19th Oct 2020, 10:35
When the RAF retired the 'K' Austria and Sri Lanka bought a couple I think. One may even be an ex tanker ! Wonder if they are still flying.

19th Oct 2020, 11:24

I think that they are and Marshalls still support them.

19th Oct 2020, 14:03
<Spotter Mode On>Sri Lankan Airforce website has them still operating with 2 Squadron. Previously they were XV 203 and XV213.
FlightGlobal listed the Austrian ones as active earlier this year, ex-XV181, 291 and 292. Interestingly, they also appear to have bought '295 for spares.<Spotter Mode Off>

19th Oct 2020, 14:18
The requirements seem to fit the C-130J rather well, even though they are rather vague at this point. I doubt they would go for another used fleet, though.

Then again, I could imagine the KLu buying 4 A400Ms and integrating them with the joint Belgian-Luxembourgian transport unit at Melsbroek. The Netherlands and Belgium are already collaborating closely in a number of different programs.

19th Oct 2020, 14:37
`203 and 213 were tankers....

19th Oct 2020, 14:43
I wonder why Sri Lanka bought an ex tanker ! A hard life for the six converted whilst in that role in the RAF. Perhaps they had a makeover before delivery.

19th Oct 2020, 15:28
Flew `213 to Cambridge on 30 March `96 ,`for scrapping`...no more tanking after that,only receiving.....

17th Jun 2022, 13:26
Dutch have gone for the Embraer C-390 as their C-130 replacement.

