View Full Version : Trying to recall novel about London Airport ground crew

6th Oct 2020, 21:21
Can anyone remember a novel from many years ago, I am trying to trace a copy.
As far as I recall, it is based at "London Airport" and concerns some emergencies/incidents dealt with by ground crews.

The only details I can recall are:

There's bad weather and someone is injured while measuring the depth of rain water on an active runway.
An aircraft is disabled (undercarriage problem?) and someone is trapped under it???
Also I believe there was a map/plan of the old LAP layout concerning "block numbers" that helped the reader understand where things were happening.

Sorry it's so sketchy, but I remember it was a page-turner for me in my younger days!

Here's hoping and thanx in advance for any info.....

27th Nov 2020, 12:43
Found it! "MAYDAY 747"

Ray Draper
12th Dec 2020, 15:38
I've long been keen to find book or video of a 1960s TV series called 'Zero One'. I believe the lead character was played by Nigel Patrick, as head of police/security at Heathrow.

Anyone recall that ?

12th Dec 2020, 22:28

This one?

14th Dec 2020, 20:03
DD Thank you so much for that reference; was not found last time I looked. I would have loved the spotters' jobs on that production !!

15th Dec 2020, 05:15
There is also a really good charming film in colour about 1950's BOAC ground crew and pilots at London Airport called Out of the Clouds - it is often on Talking Pictures TV...