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View Full Version : US President Donald Trump says he and Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19

Section28- BE
2nd Oct 2020, 09:31
Now- 'oops' with all the 'threads' on here, ref: COVID19, etc. and then, the Election in 'the' Worlds greatest 'thingo'....

ABC News (with all the others) link here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-02/donald-trump-positive-to-coronavirus-melania-hope-hicks-covid19/12725310

Then, the 'expectations' of all (re: the AU recovery) /& the Globe, as toward rock-on...... with Aviation- 'those' bloody HEPA Filters (on 'a' Boeing, in this instance!!!!)- aye.....???

But, ****e 'does' 'happen' and given 'it' is the US.....????

Sorry, to start another thread (Mods- feel free, to Dust 'it')...... Anyhoo...!!!!

rgds all/be well
S28- BE

2nd Oct 2020, 09:53
Your writing always makes me feel like I’m going to have to watch a very poor actor play your part in an episode of air crash investigation one day......

Section28- BE
2nd Oct 2020, 09:56
Of course 'it' DOES....., sorry- 'you' WOULD be a Wealthy 'one'!!!!!

be well

The AvgasDinosaur
2nd Oct 2020, 09:58
Trumps got Covid-19 !!!
Is he getting his excuses in early for when he looses the election?
Is he going to try his quack remedies?
Has god come out of furlough?

Hope Hicks one of his inner inner circle has got it too! Press man interviewed says the press on Air Force one are checked daily and before each flight. White House staff no so. All press wear masks White House staff not so !!

He’s got a 5* excuse now. He only lost because he got corona virus/ he said he’d got corona virus 🦠 . I doubt he’s really got it he just building an excuse !!
Be lucky

2nd Oct 2020, 10:43
Looks like two E-6Bs went up not long before the announcement on both coasts.

Less Hair
2nd Oct 2020, 10:48
Aside from politics: All the best get well soon.

2nd Oct 2020, 11:00
I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even have it.
Ten days isolation the month before the election is better than 14?!

2nd Oct 2020, 12:40
This seems to be provoking more interest in the UK than it has in the US.

You guys do know that you’re not actually American, right ?

2nd Oct 2020, 12:44
Despite his terrible physical state, he has an excellent chance of avoiding serious consequences because he will have access to some very effective therapies. I am aware of one under development but not generally available that looks extremely effective and, because of its nature, will be very low risk. I predict that he is on it now. So the bugger could make a miraculous recovery that would convince the evangelical right that he is chosen by god.

2nd Oct 2020, 13:33
You guys do know that you’re not actually American, right ?

You know you’re posting in the Australian, NZ and Pacific forum which is not actually the UK, right?

2nd Oct 2020, 13:43
I am not surprised especially with Pres Trump

2nd Oct 2020, 13:52
All that Schadenfreude in the press and on socmeds ... chances are that it will significantly backfire. If indeed he is amongst the larger crowd who does not experience a grave course of disease, he will be able to downplay the epidemic more than ever!

2nd Oct 2020, 14:06
Just hope the pilots are ok 👍🏼

Pugilistic Animus
2nd Oct 2020, 14:10
Looks like two E-6Bs went up not long before the announcement on both coasts.
E6B... that's a flight computer :confused:

dr dre
2nd Oct 2020, 15:14
All that Schadenfreude in the press and on socmeds ... chances are that it will significantly backfire. If indeed he is amongst the larger crowd who does not experience a grave course of disease, he will be able to downplay the epidemic more than ever!

That won’t be known about for 2-3 weeks. A large proportion of the early voting will be completed by then.

For the next two weeks this news puts the COVID pandemic front and centre back in everyone’s minds and reminds everyone it is a deadly disease. Trump was using rhetoric indicating he thought the pandemic situation was improving and close to being over, so this puts it back as headline news and reminds everyone of his poor handling of it. The COVID situation and resultant poor economy was one of his many weak points, he would rather the talk pivot back to things where he thinks he has an advantage like law and order, which he’s probably lost after he refused to condemn violent far right mobs.

And to pivot this thread back tho this forum (Australian Aviation), maybe this prominent news being discussed all the way down here in Australia will remind Australians that the pandemic is still raging on around the world, that strict measures are needed to control it, it’s better to get cases as close to zero as possible before opening up and being open with a virus spreading doesn’t mean jobs for all. Just today American and United airlines announced a combined 32,000 layoffs, and Expressjet airlines ceased operations. In a nation where internal borders haven’t been closed but the pandemic has been raging.

2nd Oct 2020, 16:28
Fake News ????