View Full Version : Find a job during COVID crisis

14th Sep 2020, 14:01
Hi! You might be wondering what other jobs may pilots do in case they are not able to find any jobs in piloting... especially during these difficult times of COVID coronavirus crisis worldwide... I heard of a pilot who found a job as a Ground Ops (Operations). The job consists in filling FPL (Flight plans), checking Notams and Weather forecast and handing the flight file to the PIC ready for departure. It may not be as exiting as piloting itself, but at least you stay tuned in the world of aviation, and work closely with pilots. A great job experience to had to your resume!

21st Sep 2020, 18:06
If I was recruiting right now, I’d take a professional Ops person over a grounded pilot every time.

9th Oct 2020, 12:43
In this critical COVID time...I guess also licensed dispatchers are having troubles looking for their first job or saving their current one, and those are the certified people for flight ops .... then they don't need to have grounded pilots as competitors! Anyway even if your'e an ATPL licensed pilot, you need a valid Dispatcher License to do dispatch/flight ops, at least in FAA!